The theme of Me Shake up and not a little the politics of our house. It is useless to remember the continuous skirmishes between 5S and Pd on this front with the dem ready for yes to the Save States Fund and the grillini instead taking their time to position themselves in the no line. But in fact today is a sentence of Matteo salvini who, to reiterate his no to Mes to the microphones of Uno Mattina, said: “This body today lends me this money and in two years it could tell me ‘you return this money and raise the retirement age to 70 or double the taxes on the house’. I prefer to ask for this money, as it exists, from Italian savers who just last week asked for 84 billion in treasury bills, and the government gave them only ten. If we trust the Italians we don’t need any MONTH“.
And so far it is the well-known position of the leader of the League on the EU Fund. But unleashing a political storm was a crazy interpretation of his words by the left and the Giallorossi. In fact, immediately after Salvini’s speech on Uno Mattina, some members of Pd and IV stopped to comment only on a part of Salvini’s sentence, that “I prefer to ask savers for money” and completely forget the instrument invoked by the former head of the Ministry of the Interior: Treasury bills. And so the fire began against the leader of the Carroccio. Bellanova unleashed: “Matteo Salvini maintains that instead of taking the resources of the Month, he prefers to tax Italian savers. Choose to put your hands in the pockets of citizens with extraordinary taxes, instead of using European resources to further strengthen our health systemRenzi also continues: “In other words, practically, in order not to take the Month, he wants to raise taxes and build assets. In my opinion, the mojito hurts Salvini. “Attacks also by the Democratic Party with Simona Bonafè:” The League reiterates its rejection of the European money of the Month and finally Salvini explains the reason: the money is necessary, but he intends to take it away from Italian savers. “Orlando? Even the former Minister of Justice does not he understood Salvini’s sentence at all: “At least it was clear. Salvini said that he does not want the MES because he wants to take advantage of the savings of Italian savers.”. However, it was enough to listen carefully to the words of Salvini, who has always and only talked about MEF vouchers without even remotely mentioning assets or withdrawals in the pockets of taxpayers. And so it was Salvini himself who clearly reiterated his position: “No to assets, to the return to Fornero and to new taxes. The Month is not good for Italy. The solution is long-term Treasury bills at advantageous terms that are offered to investors and savers, as many economists have been suggesting (without being listened to) for months.“.