I was just kidding – time


Carlantonio solimene

After weeks on the brink of a government crisis, the meeting to discuss the Recovery Plan between Prime Minister Conte and the delegation of Italia Viva (without Matteo Renzi) ends with a Christmas truce.

The representatives of the former “demolition” toast the cancellation of the “working group” initially imagined by the premier to manage European funds and speak of a “turning point”, leaving out the other knots that Renzi had proposed as directions for the continuation of the adventure of “Giuseppi” in the Palazzo Chigi, of the resignation of the delegation to the Services to the green light so that the Month arrives at the reform of bicameralism. In short, after all, it was obviously not about halter conditions.

Of course, it will be necessary to understand whether the truce will continue and how it will continue in January as well. The “yes” is linked to the possible rebalancing of the government structure after having triggered the maneuver. In words, nobody wants the reorganization, in fact all the majority forces are studying how to take advantage of it. Maybe even just inserting two attached premieres (from Pd and M5) to limit Conte’s solo temptations. The “how”, instead, refers to the relationships between the parties themselves, now reduced to a minimum by Conte’s inability to act as a mediator and the “crisis” threatened by Renzi. Yesterday, after the waters calmed down, the arrows of the M5 but also those of the Democratic Party reached the scrap metal, with Ministers Amendola and Boccia ready to cut the conclusions of the summit point by point as Bellanova had told them. In short, if it is this team of snake family members that has to get Italy out of the quagmire, the prospects look bleak. That he was heading towards a clearing was understood by the words of Monday of the president of Italy alive Ettore Rosato, able to pass in a day of “committed trust in the count” to “positive signs”.

At the end of the two-hour summit meeting at Palazzo Chigi, Minister Teresa Bellanova completed the change: “The task force no longer exists,” she began by citing the most “divisive” issue. “In addition, they showed us documents, projects and figures that we had not seen yet. Now we will analyze them and prepare our contribution ». The theoretical process should include the arrival at Palazzo Chigi of the wish list of all majority partners on Monday. In the following days, the table would immediately open to find the synthesis and approve a general plan before December 31 at the CDM. Then there would be an approval in Parliament in a short time and the presentation of the Reconversion to the EU Commission in February. However, greatly lagged compared to the installations this fall. So far the theory. The practice, however, runs the risk of being much more complicated. Because all knots remain. Starting with the working group, which for the Renzians disappeared while for Minister Enzo Amendola “it is Europe itself that asks us, then it is up to each country to decide its composition.” And, from this point of view, after Renzian’s departure, the structure should have at least its center of operations in the ministries and no more between managers and external consultants. Finally, the knot of relationships. There is no future for the scrapper, a champion who too often dribbles alone, and who has accumulated two deadly sins: keeping Conte and Cinque Stelle, hungry for power, in the saddle, who have transformed the protection of the weakest into collateral. of the most. smart, and before giving up their personal income from parliamentary citizenship, they are ready to do anything. The statism of the Democratic Party, combined with the paternalism of the prime minister, did the rest, creating the perfect storm that will compromise the future of the country through a barrage of subsidies, without any attention to productive investments. Yesterday a very hot dispute took place between Minister Boccia and Italia alive. For the first, «before speaking you have to inquire. Renzi said that there were only nine billion in Recovery Health, instead there were 15. Always few, but not nine ”.

The former prime minister’s party responded harshly: ‘Does Boccia count six billion for energy efficiency as health funds? It will mean that it will be operated by a photovoltaic panel. And if the Christmas spirit eases tensions for a few days, in 2021 the government risks dangerously faltering again. Because Franceschini’s threats (“if Conte falls, there is only vote”) will have to deal not only with the blank semester that lies ahead. But even with the fact that in the midst of the pandemic and with the temptation to postpone the administrative elections for the fall, no one really thinks it plausible to hold the political elections a bit. The ideology that has always been in the DNA of the left is in fact clearly opposed to the initiative. individuals and companies, and the Pnrr – horrible acronym for the National Recovery and Resilience Plan, which, however, gives a good idea of ​​what is about to happen – can only be dictated by a statist approach, thus multiplying the delinquencies of Draghi warned. Certainly it will not be a reorganization, therefore, or some other cosmetic touch-up, that will drive a majority capable only of navigating the sight, and even of approving a Recovery Plan “subject to agreement”.

On the Recovery Fund Conte turns around and Renzi freezes the government crisis
