“I want to see some of your reactions” (VIDEO)


Giulia confides in Tommaso some of her concerns about the kiss with Pierpaolo.

At[person]’s house Big Brother Vip the expected has finally arrived Kiss Between Giulia Salemi me Pierpaolo Pretelli. A gesture that destabilized the young influencer, who confessed Tommaso zorzi all your doubts and concerns.

Giulia Salemi’s doubts in Gf Vip

In the last hours Giulia stayed on the porch chatting with Tommasso who, intrigued by the bond born in the House of Big Brother Vip between the young influencer and Pierpaoloshe joked with her friend for fixing the beds.

The SalemiHowever, being quite confident in her choices, she highlighted a Zorzi I’m still not ready to sleep with Pretelli: “Let’s not exaggerate, it doesn’t seem the case […] There is still something undefined, maybe tomorrow everything will stop “. “But there is nothing wrong with that, why are you not sure?” The Milanese influencer responded quickly.

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Giulia He continued explaining to Tommasso that he wanted to quietly continue acquaintance with Pierpaolo and be curious to know the dynamics that could arise in the episode: “I want to see some of your reactions tomorrow […] Something external can also arrive that upsets everything “. “But you don’t have to be influenced by anyone” The influencer responded causing the reaction of Salemi who admitted: “I could never betray myself, I decided to stay away and yet …”.

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