
Another very hard attack from Matteo renzi a Giuseppe Conte. Another attack on that government that, in theory, the leader of Italia Viva should support. A volley, it rained from the de The air that pulls, the program of Myrta merlino in La7, which came shortly after the verification with the premier, a face-to-face that seemed to have controlled the situation and chased away any prospect of crisis. “Enough of rhetoric, not everything went well – Renzi thunders with an obvious reference to the usual refrain that Conte recites in his press conferences -. We are the country in the world with the most deaths and something went wrong“, he remarks. Absolute proof, on which the Government and the Count insist on not giving explanations. On the contrary, they insist on becoming singers of the” Italy model “, with nonexistent results.”Don’t tell me that the number of deaths in Italy is related to the middle agebecause the Japanese are older than us and yet they have proportionally far fewer deaths than us – continues the former prime minister -. What happened, why did Italy cause more deaths than all other European countries? I’m not asking for the Month because I fell in love with Merkel, we need money ”, concludes Matteo Renzi hitting very hard.
