I took it eight months ago and I still haven’t gotten out of bed


“I got sick with Covid last spring. I’ve been negative since May but I’m still sick. Mine is no longer life: I struggle to get out of bed and can’t go to work“Victoria, 43, a resident of Mantua, is just one of the many people who have managed to fight the virus, have been negative but have never fully recovered. According to a study by Professor Francesco Landi of the Gemelli Polyclinic of Roma and his team, only 12% of former Covid patients do not have any symptoms in the months after the disease. Symptoms that persist even after testing negative are due to Damage caused by the virus to various organs. of the body.

Victoria, 43: “I’ve been in bed for months. They will have to assign me a disability.”

Victoria fell ill with Covid in March, working at an RSA. “During the illness I was very ill (very high fever, pneumonia, vomiting, dysentery, growths on the skin, lack of taste and smell) so much so that I had to be hospitalized,” she says. Fanpage.it. “In the months that followed, even after the two negative swabs I took in May, I still had a bad cough and shortness of breath. I had to take several courses of antibiotics and cortisone to get a little better. Then in August I was hospitalized again because medical tests had found very high blood clotting. When I was discharged, I started going to respiratory therapy three times a week in the pulmonology ward, but my condition did not improve. At first, since my lungs were in good condition, the doctors told me that my shortness of breath was probably due to a state of anxiety and agitation. Then they realized that something was really wrong. At that point they had me undergo tests to control the phrenic nerve, which stimulates the diaphragm. Even then, no problems were found. But nevertheless, symptoms persist and I no longer know what to do or who to contact”.
Today, after eight months, Victoria’s ordeal is not over yet: she is bedridden because she feels very weak and after a few steps she is short of breath. He also has very severe muscle aches. “It is an endless nightmare. I am sure that I have been cured since May 1, but my health conditions do not allow me to leave home or go to work. Uña told me to wait another six months: if these symptoms haven’t passed yet they will have to assign me disability“.

Roberta, 41, “I became asthmatic”

Roberta, 41, living in Genoa, is a health social worker. She got sick at the beginning of last April and, still today, suffers closed at home. “He had a low fever, headache, joint pain, cough, loss of taste and smell: in short, the symptoms that we all know,” he says. Fanpage.it. “I was able to treat myself at home thanks to my GP. Initially, when I became negative, I seemed to have an improvement in my physical condition, but when I began to carry out daily activities I realized that something was wrong: I always felt tired, I had a rapid heartbeat, joint pain, cough and increased temperature. every night. From the medical tests that I performed, I found out that I became asthmatic”.

“I had to do three months of rehabilitation in the Cardiological Rehabilitation Department of the Asl de Genoa. It consists of moderate physical exercise three times a week (the same as for those who have undergone heart surgery) and at home I do breathing exercises with a device that has given me ASL to help increase it again lung capacity. Now after seven months I feel a little better, but I always have a tired feeling, joint pain, frequent headaches, and often asthma problems. I couldn’t go back to work. In Liguria, if you have had Covid but have not been hospitalized, The treatments to cure the problems that derive a posteriori are paid. Only part of it was paid to me by Inail, who closed my accident clinic a while ago even though I was still in rehab ”.

Letterio, 49: “I have been sick since March 15”

“I discovered that I have Covid on March 15 and since then I have never stopped feeling bad“Says a Fanpage.it Letterio, 49 years old, resident in the province of Lodi. “They rushed me to the hospital: I had a very high fever and bilateral pneumonia. I felt negative in mid-April and still often hear a burning in the chest and very severe and disabling muscle aches: sometimes I can’t even walk. They have been terrible months in which I have seen various specialists but no one has been able to find a precise cure. Lombardy is one of the few regions where a patient who has been ill with Covid can make specialist visits for free at some facilities, even if the list of exempt exams is quite limited. I was included in the San Raffaele monitoring program in Milan. The tests showed that I have a magnesium deficiency and significant blood thickening, meaning a large percentage of my red blood cells are larger than normal and therefore my body struggles to get oxygen to the muscles. Doctors do not know how long this condition will last. The Lodi Pain Relief Center doctor who follows me explained that I probably have one. nerve neuropathy caused by Covid”.

Additionally, many former Covid patients have complained of vision and hearing problems, hair loss, insomnia, and frequent states of anxiety.
