Dear aldo,
My skin wrinkles at the very idea that Professor Mario Draghi should be submitted to the approval of those (politicians and politicians) who daily testify to their inability to stay where they are. But since it is not correct to make a bunch of all the grass (not excluding the position of the unnameable, the populists and the narcissistic and professional agitators) to the 5Stelle that my horrified thought goes. And I wonder: with what critical, political, deontological or reasoning instrument can these poor children decide? They are in the Palace, they face a tall person (Mario Draghi), a king, whose mere name makes them more naked than they are.
Giusi Furnari
Dear Giusi,
Taking it out on MPs is the easiest way to get applause, so it is best avoided. In addition, there are almost a thousand parliamentarians, and among them by statistical necessity there are also trained and competent people, as well as obviously many respectable people. There is some truth in what you write, kind Mrs. Furnari.
Striscia la Notizia issued an amusing montage of statements by prominent politicians that a Draghi government was absolutely impossible. Obviously they were wrong. I can assure you that, in the days of the vote of confidence in the Conte government, I did not find any senators at Palazzo Madama, except for a couple of more forward-thinking colleagues, willing to make or support Draghi’s name. And this despite the fact that it was already clear that it was the best solution.
The truth is that Draghi among the parliamentarians almost nobody wanted him, although in the end perhaps almost everyone will vote for him. The simple reason: the parties will not touch the ball, or in any case the current leaders will count less than before; just when there are 209 billion to spend. But the technicians come when the politicians fail. So it was for Ciampi, when in 1993 the system was crumbling under the blows of Mani Pulite; for Dini, when at the end of 1994 the alliance between Berlusconi and the Lega that had won the March elections was broken in advance; for Monti, after the fall of Berlusconi in autumn 2011. And so it will be now for Draghi.
The injustice
Unfair Award for School Staff in March 2020
I am the director of a comprehensive school in Genoa. On January 9, note 484 from the Ministry of Education arrives, with instructions for educational institutions about the award provided for in art. 63 of Legislative Decree March 18, 2020, in favor of school personnel who worked on site in March 2020. We thus discover that Legislative Decree 18/2020, signed a few days after the WHO pandemic declaration, provided for an award for the staff who worked in person in March (Ata staff, because the teachers were already in distance education). In practice, the school collaborators and the administrative assistants who worked in presence that month, with a workload and a risk of contagion of more than half, since neither students nor teachers were present at the school, have the right to an additional bonus, proportional to the days. actual presence, the calculation of which has been compromising school secretariats for days. At a time of economic crisis of enormous proportions, during which millions of people, especially women, have lost their jobs or seen their rotation contract or are still waiting for layoffs and in which schools are busy managing the pandemic (compliance with anti -Covid protocols, students and staff in quarantine, in addition to routine work), we must take care to reward those who, in that month, were lucky enough to continue doing their work or to receive a salary even without having worked at all, as happened in the following months, when many schools closed. Fair and equitable use of public resources?
M. Orestina Onofri
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