Published on: 07/11/2020 9:05 PM
“I take responsibility for signing the closing ordinances., as Minister of Health. If it is necessary to take a measure to save people’s lives, limit contagion, reduce our sick people, the people who don’t, lend a hand to the doctors, nurses who are at the front, it is okay to do these measures. They are not a punishment for that territory, but a way to help it get out of the most difficult stage ”. This was stated by the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, guest of Tonight Italy.
The 21 parameters that serve to identify the criticality of the Region “are absolutely objective – reaffirmed Speranza – built by the scientific community of our country and shared for 24 weeks by all the Italian Regions. On the basis of these parameters, all the Regions and no one in 24 weeks has opposed anything. Among other things, the Regions feed the starting platform of the Istituto Superiore di Sanità database: based on these data, the epidemiological photograph of each Region, we decide the measures to avoid more serious damage “.
“In these difficult months I have never argued with any president and I think the country does not need fights but common work – he stressed – It is clear that everyone knew how the system worked, know even before us these data that emerge at the regional level: the number of beds, of people who are engaged in contact tracing, the number of days that elapse between the appearance of symptoms and the smear. From these data, entered in the central database, the results emerge. Even after the ordinance, I had a meeting with the Presidents of the Region in an atmosphere that seemed more serene. Now we have to move on because the situation is very serious ”.
“If someone thinks they are underestimating it, they are making a very serious mistake – he warned – in these hours, large countries such as France and England have reached a substantially total blockade. We are trying to imagine a different model: not to close the entire country, but to try press where there are greatest difficulties. We need everyone’s contribution, we need everything except senseless institutional struggles. We are trying to manage this second wave without a homogeneous and drastic measure in the national territory, but trying to focus on the areas of greatest risk. it is not possible, the alternative must necessarily be to take tougher measures everywhere. But it is wrong because if there is a territory that can afford to avoid very restrictive measures, it is good to avoid it “.
“Let’s leave waste behind, the political debate – said Speranza – let’s fight in all that is wanted but not in health policies, not in the fight against the virus for which we are all a great team against a very insidious enemy.”
Regarding the hypothesis that there may be clearer areas within risk areas “is already provided for by current regulations, the epidemiological framework must be clearly analyzed, that is, it must be done based on concrete data, it is a hypothesis that it can be evaluated, supported by epidemiological data. It is not a political choice, a habit of a person, but it is the data that shows us what the individual territories are like and progress is made in that.
“The parameters have led to these results – the minister reiterated, responding to the possible adoption of more ‘muted’ colors to avoid the risk of disturbances, as in Campania – These numbers do not stagnate forever, on the contrary, I hope that the regions red, thanks to the measures we put in place, after a certain time they will return to orange and if perhaps also yellow. As well as light realities that can worsen. This is not the usual photograph. The important thing is that the scientific parameters always guide us ” .
Then, responding to the controversy over the Calabrian commissioner, Saverio Cotticelli, Speranza stressed that “he had been nominated by the previous government and had not been renamed, as I have heard wrongly said in these hours, our government.”
“On Wednesday, long before this controversy broke out, we approved in the Council of Ministers a decree law on health care in Calabria that finally creates the conditions for a restart because it puts more resources, gives more powers to those who should govern that health care, establishes more meaningful competencies and, in my opinion, finally creates the conditions for a restart. Now there will also be a need for new and motivated people who want to open a different page for Calabrian health care, one of the fundamental points so that we commit ourselves with all the energies “. completed.
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