Therefore, schools are open even at lunchtime (they will), if students have to cope with the late arrival of the morning in some way. Decoupled schedules, often with the rhythms of ATA students, teachers and staff and, almost certainly, with public transport schedules, especially those used by teachers and ATA who reside hundreds of kilometers from the school, for what is already the ordinary management of work activity is complicated
But, will it be possible to force students, teachers and ATA to skip lunch or turn it into a kind of improvised picnic in classrooms that are certainly not adequate to guarantee hygiene in a time of high risk such as the pandemic? It will be necessary to think about the question of the “Lunch break”, the healthiness of the dining room (if there is one), the use of the municipal dining rooms (if any) or the more reasonable “Meal voucher” for teachers, ATA and DS and, in essence, even for students forced to change the physiological rhythms of meals.
The rhythm of individual meals for ATA students, faculty and staff
What factors affect the rhythms of individual meals? The biorhythm plays a very important role. Great importance is now attached to the internal clock for health. Our body, both the youth of the students as well as the teachers and ATA, is regulated at an exact pace, delimited by well-organized cycles. Time is marked by our internal indicators, which condition numerous essential biological functions, tuning the body’s processes as the day passes. From this point of view, the day-night cycle is decisive, as is that of having lunch and not having lunch (not referring to a single day but to the eventual continuation of the thing for several days and several weeks). When we eat and fast in tune with the alternation of hours (well marked and calibrated throughout the time of our life), our central chronometer is synchronized with the cells of our body. If we underestimate your heartbeat for a long time, for example by eating irregularly (skipping lunch, several times and for several weeks) we put our health at risk. We are hungrier, we gain weight, our glycemic values increase and, closely related, increases the risk of contracting diabetes or other diseases. No problem for those who occasionally skip lunch or change time, but regularly altering the pace, for example due to stressful shift work or actually preventing a calibrated and tailored lunch, can get our clock out of sync. biological. One of the first consequences can be digestive disorders.
The “food stamps”
You have to think about the “Meal Vouchers”, that is, means of payment, of a fixed amount, that can be spent on the purchase of both food and meals in affiliated establishments (hopefully open, according to the color of the region of membership). In the absence of a school or municipal dining room (which with this procedure is not only essential but also vital for an effective and efficient reorganization, not only in words, of the school), food vouchers and a break are necessary to allocate, without exception , to food. A meal that does not cause crowds, aggravating the already precarious situation of infections, especially in these last hours.
Characteristics of food vouchers for teachers
The main qualities of this instrument are described as non-transferable, non-salable and non-convertible bonds. It is the fee required to eat during the lunch break set by the employer. In the food vouchers, certain data and elements must inevitably be entered, namely: the tax code of the worker and employer, as well as the employer’s business name; the name of the company and the tax code of the company issuing the bond (today there are many companies that issue banknotes); the value in euros of the bond; the term within which it can be used; date it was used to place it at that time, signature of the holder who received the ticket in payment and any stamp of the year in which the food voucher is spent; and a wording that says exactly: “The food voucher is not transferable, nor can it be combined above the limit of eight vouchers, nor can it be traded or converted into cash; It can only be used if the owner is dated and signed. ‘
Who benefits from food stamps
The main (but not the only) beneficiaries of meal vouchers are, of course, employees (in this case teachers, ATA staff, and school principals) from both the public and private sectors (thus Therefore, this provision should also be made for private schools), with full or part time and even if their working day does not include a lunch break. This, even more so, if, as it will happen, the entrance to the school will be delayed by a few hours with the inevitable stay, sometimes even after 4 in the afternoon (in addition, of course, the inevitable time it will take to get home). . Therefore, all school employees can use meal vouchers, in the case that concerns us, which are linked to the Institute by a collaborative relationship, although not subordinate.
The regulation of food stamps is now contained:
- Legislative Decree number 50/2016;
- Decree of the Ministry of Economic Development number 122/2017;
- Legislative Decree number 50/2016.
ANIEF union struggles for the delivery of “food vouchers”
We had already talked about the Bono and we are talking about it, thanks to some union organizations that have signed up to the real needs of workers in the school sector. The amendment to bill S. 920 on school meal vouchers, drawn up by Anief-Cisal, provided for the insertion of the following period in paragraph 1 of article 5: “Meal vouchers, starting with the academic year s. The 2019/2020 season also extends to teachers, school collaborators and school ATA with daily return in the afternoon where it is not covered by the dining service activated by the school institution after full time and extended for students. ” of course the motivation [estensione buoni pasto al personale della scuola] recently it has become even more pressured and the new and upcoming DPCM cannot fail to take into account the extension of the meal voucher to school personnel who return in the afternoon or who stop at school in the schedule included in the time slot 13.30-15.00. Specifically, at the hearing of the XI commission of the Senate of the Republic, November 26, 2018, it was stated that “regarding article 5 relative to good nutrition, it is considered necessary to guarantee this institution also to the teaching staff / ATA of the school where the canteen is not active and only for staff who are expected to return in the afternoon. “Then, Marcello Pacifico, national president of Anief and confederal secretary of Cisal, among those present in the delegation received at the hearing in Palazzo Madama, recalled that “teachers, administrators, technicians, school collaborators and DSGAs are not children of a lesser god: they already have to do the math with a very low salary and with increases so ridiculous that in 2019 they will not cover inflation” . “In this gloomy general picture – continues the unionist Anief-Cisal – it is not clear why a public employee who works in the school should be forced to bring lunch from home or buy it. Maybe because they work less than others? No, since 95% of schools now adopt the short week and staff shifts are “compressed” into five days. In addition, teachers are usually asked to remain on duty in the afternoon, to hold meetings, departments, meetings with families, class councils, voting and all the ritual activities of the collegiate bodies. It remains a mystery why they should not have access to the meal voucher provided to other employees on these occasions. “
“It is clear that this is done to save money. But, do the parliamentarians of the Republic know that a right is being taken away from state officials who already receive the lowest salaries in the entire Public Administration, that is, the Ata? Do our senators know that the meal voucher is stolen from teachers who, for work reasons, usually stay in a school for up to 12 hours? It is clear that if this situation continues, we will only maintain the umpteenth discrimination against the category of workers to whom every day – Pacific concludes – we entrust our children ”.
Mandatory meal vouchers, reduced school hours or what?
So what will be necessary to prepare to guarantee a concrete return of our students to school? First, provide flexible forms of hours of service as an exception to any rule that currently blocks the hours and days necessary for the validity of the school year. If the direct descendant-teacher relationship is, as it is, important, it is equally important to guarantee it for several weeks and months in 2021. For this, however, as mentioned, it is necessary to reduce the time spent at school (maximum 4 hours , even in two different time slots), repealing, for all school orders, the maximum number of hours to be carried out for the duration of the school year. Exemption, of course, also valid for teachers who could perform the hours not worked at school, in asynchronous activities, exclusively from home (for the safety of public employees who, if reduced to COVID-19 infection, would put school on its knees). Then, mandatory meal vouchers should be introduced that should be paid to teachers who work multiple shifts, or a shift with the lunch break sacrificed or canceled entirely. Immediate adjustments to make school the place not only safer, but also more suitable for ATA students, teachers and staff. We are convinced that the Minister of Education. Prof. Lucía Azzolina, currently very sensitive to changes and requests from students, families and teachers, take up these concerns and meet, with the Prime Minister, H.E. Prof. Giuseppe Conte, a suitable solution capable of ensuring a continuation of the year that meets everyone’s expectations.