
NEW YORK But what is Donald Trump really like? It is yellow in the United States about the health conditions of the president. A source told US media that “the vital functions of the president have been very worrying in the last 24 hours and the next 48 hours will be crucial in terms of attention.” We are not yet on a clear path to a full recovery. In short, the opposite of the rosy situation that arose from report on Trump’s health conditions that, however, fueled some doubts. The first refers to the moment of diagnosis, that the White House doctor, Sean Conley, goes back 72 hours, that is, before it was revealed. The second is related to the fact that the president, as said today, does not need oxygen now but it has not been clarified if he needed it before. To a specific question, Conley simply said that the president does not need it at this time.
CNN is more incisive: Donald Trump received supplemental oxygen on Friday.
The doctors, nurses and EVERYONE at the GREAT Walter Reed Medical Center, and others from equally amazing institutions that have joined them, are AMAZING !!! Tremendous progress has been made in the last 6 months in the fight against this PLAGUE. With your help, I feel good!
– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 3, 2020
With a tweet, Trump, in addition to thanking the medical staff of the Walter Reed Hospital, specifies that he feels fine, but in the meantime there are doubts about the duration of the period during which he will have to remain hospitalized. A detail not just a month before the election and with many Americans already voting by mail.
The contagion
Another front of great controversy, also triggered by the press conference, is that about the time of the infection: at the press conference of the doctors it was learned that the president would have known that he was infected 72 hours before 11.30 on Saturday, so far, time and date. officials of the president’s conscience to be ill. Which would mean that Trump, knowing he was positive, went to the fundraising meeting in New Jersey where he met dozens of supporters face-to-face and without protection. This would explain why on Friday the governor of New Jersey issued an extraordinary appeal for everyone present at that appointment to take the examination. It is one of the states that has so far rejected the pandemic after terrible months, but is now experiencing new small outbreaks.
A situation that prompted Conley to clarify. “The diagnosis of positivity for Covid 19 was made for President Donald Trump on the night of Thursday, October 1, and the Regeronm antibody cocktail was administered on Friday, October 2.». The doctor explained that when reporting on Trump’s health, the doctor used the terms “72 hours” instead of “day 3” and “48 hours” instead of “day 2” for diagnosis and administration of therapy. . The 72-hour benchmark raised questions about whether the test was conducted before Trump’s departure to raise money in New Jersey.
The cure
Donald trump began Remdesivir therapy at Walter Reed National Military Medical Central, where he was transferred hours after announcing that he tested positive for coronavirus. The US president’s personal physician, Sean Conley, explained in a statement that he had “recommended” the transfer of the tycoon to the hospital for “further follow-up” after consultations with specialists from Walter Reed and Johns Hopkins University. Trump, says Conley, “does not need oxygen,” but it was decided “to start Remdesivir therapy.” “He took the first dose – he concludes – and is resting well.” Trump will be hospitalized for several days.
Trump has Covid. What if Donald gets worse? The hypothesis: new candidate
Hope Hicks, the former model always with Donald Trump, is the alleged “untrice”
“It’s going well, I think. Thank you all. Love !!! Trump tweeted. The tycoon, exactly one month before the presidential elections on November 3, left the White House yesterday, around 6 in the afternoon, Washington time, and boarded a helicopter without help, wearing a blue suit and mask. In a video posted on Twitter, he announced his transfer to Walter Reed Hospital – “I think I’m fine, but we want to make sure things work out” – and also wanted to reassure Americans about Melania’s condition (“The First Lady is fine” ). Then he thanked “everyone for the strong support.” “I will never forget it,” he concluded.
“This morning the president is very well”: White House doctor Sean Conley said at a briefing at the Walter Reed military hospital, where the president is hospitalized for Covid-19.
– Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 2, 2020
Meanwhile, some of his staff also tested positive for Covid.
Bill Stepien, the new manager of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign and a close associate of the president of the United States, tested positive. Politico and the BBC write it, adding that Stepien suffers from “mild flu-like symptoms” and will now work from home. Kellyanne Conway, a former adviser to Donald Trump, also tested positive for Covid-19. She tweeted it herself: “My symptoms are mild (a slight cough) and I feel fine. I started a quarantine according to my doctors, ”he wrote.
And another Republican senator, after Mike Lee, contracted the virus. This is Thom Tillis, also from the justice commission, where the hearings for the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett, appointed by Donald Trump to the Supreme Court, will begin this Tuesday. Tillis has announced a 10-day quarantine, a time that should allow him to sustain the nomination before it is approved by the full Senate. But it remains to be seen if such a limited quarantine will be enough and if other potential contagion cases will put the narrow majority of Republicans at risk at the time of the plenary vote.
Instead Four members of Congress who flew aboard Air Force One with President Trump this week tested negative for the coronavirus yesterday. These are Pete Stauber (Minnesota), Jim Hagedorn (Minnesota), Tom Emmer (Minnesota), Jim Jordan (Ohio).
Meanwhile, Twitter has announced that it will remove tweets that “wish or wish death, serious physical injury or lethal illness to anyone”, following the wave of funeral protests against US President Donald Trump, now that he is hospitalized by Covid. -19. However, authors of posts that violate the social platform policy will not be suspended.
Last updated: 20:39