Against the coronavirus we need a strategy that also includes a blockade. Walter Ricciardi, advisor to Minister Roberto Speranza, underlines this in Che tempo che fa. “I think the minister is convinced of starting this new stage. We have spoken to each other, he has not spoken because they are decisions that the Government and the Prime Minister must make. Certainly we are in the line” that he plans. “We are going to this phase. The government supports it. I hope the Prime Minister understands and goes in this direction, this will allow us to return to normality in months, not years, “says Ricciardi.”I have no relationship with the prime minister. I represented the Minister of Health that a change of course is needed that includes a ‘No covid’ strategy based on 3 pillars: Intensive and time-limited blockade to bring new cases below the 50 per 100,000 limit, full follow-up and vaccination. Only with these three activities together will we be able to return to normality ”, he continues.
“I have always been fully in tune with the minister on the rigor of the measures, but since September we have not been able to fully influence the government’s decisions, especially because the previous prime minister and some ministers did not agree to take such strong action. Ours was a constant proposition to keep the virus under control. Today there are some Italian regions five times above the threshold of 50 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and the Italian average is three times above this threshold, “he continues.
On the eve of the reopening of the ski resorts, the provision has arrived that extends the stop until March 5. “I have always advised being honest from the beginning. The pandemic is an event that lasts for years, since October we know that ski resorts cannot be opened. The country that brought the English variant to Europe is Switzerland., where the British went skiing, on the lifts that were stubbornly open. A teacher went back to school and infected all her students, hence the “variant” spread to Swiss schools.
Ricciardi refers to “frightening data” according to which “only in Italy the covid has caused the cessation of 3 million cancer screenings. Faced with this data, the data on deaths from covid and cardiovascular diseases, what are we waiting for? “. Some countries have adopted strict measures and others have discarded them. “The same proposal” that also provides for closures “was made to Chancellor Merkel, who accepted it. The French Minister of Health rejected it. I think the Minister of” Health “is convinced to begin this new stage. I hope the Prime Minister understands and goes in this directionThis will allow us to return to normality in months, not years ”.
Why do you need to close? “Because it saves lives. In countries that have eliminated the covid, mortality is 100 times lower, at which time there are no more closures and no more schools are closed. The flu is eliminated, citizens move freely and tourism can be encouraged. It is necessary to convince the population and economic operators, a sacrifice is needed now to prosper again in the future. “Ricciardi rejects the zone system:” In the red zone the cases decrease, in the orange zone they remain stable and in the yellow zone they increase. I went to the restaurant last Sunday, asked for a private room. But if there had been only one English variant super speaker in the main room, they would all be infected. “