
Pierpaolo Pretelli was abandoned again to tears in the House of Big Brother Vip. This time the memory of Elisabetta Gregoraci would not have to do with that, but a deeper inner malaise that led Pierpaolo to question his relationship with women after the end of the long and important relationship with Ariadna Romero, mother of his son Leonardo. Since then, Pretelli has no longer been able to feel such a strong sensation, as he explained during a moment of trust with Cristiano Malgioglio and Andrea Zelletta in the sauna. That is why he is convinced that he has a kind of “block” that prevents him from falling in love.
With Elisabetta I tried things that you feel at first. But when I start to have a more intense relationship, I freeze. There is a point where I can’t move on. The thing with Elisabetta didn’t really start, but outside, since I’m single, that’s for two and a half years, I’ve met some girls, but then I can’t …
Pretelli “unable to fall in love”
Andrea Zelletta tried to reassure him in every way and convince him that there is no blockade. “There is nothing unsolved, you just haven’t found the right personPierpaolo, however, continued to do a self-analysis of his relationships with the other sex. He also explained that the relationship with Ariadna Romero ended due to an incompatibility of character, even when they were still in love.
I’ve always been engaged and seeing myself single for two and a half years makes me think I have problems to solve. Maybe I am destructive to the couple. I am one of those who gives a lot, but at the same time I am heavy. I expect a lot of attention and certainty because basically I am insecure. I freeze because I can’t fall in love.
Pierpaolo’s tears
Malgioglio also said that he was sure that Pierpaolo’s only problem was finding the right girl who would give him emotions and push him to be himself. He also encouraged him to fully enjoy the Big Brother VIP experience, which could launch his career: “You can do many thingsAt the same time, Cristiano is certain that Pretelli has “lost the pitcher to Elisabetta”: “I saw you from outside and I said: what an idiot this boy, he has everything and he is crying. You and her are two completely different worlds. There may be love between two different worlds, but she wanted a guy to lean on. She loved you very much, while you felt something else. If he has played with feelings, I think it is terrible, but I do not want to believe that he has. Why do you have to be sad? You have a wonderful relationship with your ex, you have a wonderful son. You don’t have to cry. Love comes when you least expect itPierpaolo at that point is burst into a long cry. If Zelletta is convinced that it is a simple outbreak, Cristiano has pushed him to recover: “Don’t cry, if your child sees you, they cry too. If I go out on Friday and see you crying, I’ll break the TV“(Complete video).
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