«I have 10 Covid centers ready. New restrictions? The parameters decide »- Corriere.it


And who will decide them?
“The parameters. We are facing a terrible enemy that has affected health systems and the economy of the entire world. Faced with such a thing, the only thing we can do is share good practices and try to soften the blow. Because the blow will be there ».

In Veneto they are already talking about his insomnia. Won’t it be positive?
“No, I am objective. I have to be. And so we will do whatever it takes. As for insomnia, it is fruitful: I squeeze myself and try to think of ideas. I even have a notepad on the nightstand. The truth is, my schedules are already in lockdown mode. And tomorrow (today, ed) I will resume the daily meetings in the Crisis Unit. Basically, I’ll live there. ‘

Curfew does not speak.
“You cannot get me into a controversy. In fact, I appeal to everyone: we must tell the truth. Tell it like it is without worrying about being swept up in controversy. Citizens need to see a team, they cannot get past the idea that Covid is someone’s fault. All the health systems that we consider exemplary have entered into crisis: France, Germany, the United States, Japan … ».

Doesn’t it say this because infections are on the rise in Veneto too?
“And why should I? In May, I announced that with the second wave I would use heavy artillery. And so we have implemented a plan in 5 phases depending on the number of patients in intensive care: from zero to 50 we are calm and then, gradually, as the intensives increase, a series of actions are triggered.

How are we today?
“We have 65 patients in intensive care, the light is orange. Our peak was March 29 with 356 patients. At 150, I am ready to open 10 Covid hospitals in Veneto. Because when you exceed the critical mass, you have to completely divide the paths. But these numbers, for the lucky deniers, say little.

Are there still deniers?
“Don’t you listen to them? Don’t you listen to those who say they have never known the death of a Covid? We have seen lunar discussions about the death rates of Covid and those of pedestrian crossings. But please … Those who they come with these things they do not consider what is important, which is also simple ».

What is that?
“That the virus is putting the healthcare system under terrible stress. Today we have gone from 494 to 1,000 places in intensive care. But a few hundred patients in intensive care bring with them thousands of patients admitted to non-critical areas. Covid is cured, the vaccine will arrive. But when the virus enters hospitals in a significant way, the possibility of treating other patients is removed.

You are famous for testing, for tracking, for circumscribing infection with tampons. Have you become skeptical?
“What are you saying? We do almost 30,000 a day, between molecular and rapids. But it must be said, and we have also seen it in the United Kingdom, that at a certain point the flood wave arrives and we have the feeling of emptying the sea with a bucket.It’s my recent nocturnal reflection.

What is that?
«If you have 2 or 3 thousand positives a day, and you calculate about twenty people to contact for each one, you have to do 60 thousand tests. Six minutes each … Well, shortcut: it takes a thousand people dedicated just to this. See you “.

However, the Veneto remains open.
“A peasant saying says that the problem is approached like salami: one slice at a time. And if there are restrictions to decide, we will. But Venetians must be sure that we will do what is necessary and know that they must obsessively wear a mask and avoid meetings. Things like that have the impact of a war. It induces anxiety, worry and instability that is scary. We will no longer be the same as before.

October 21, 2020 (change October 21, 2020 | 22:48)

