I got the man who only hit women for no reason


Always and only women. Always and only women in the spotlight. A 23-year-old, a young Milanese, was detained in recent days by the Milan police in execution of a court-issued preventive custody order on charges of robbery.

The request was signed by the prosecutor María Cristina Ria, who together with the agents blamed him for a violent bombing carried out on June 18 in Viale Gorizia, where a 41-year-old woman was hit on the head with a nunchaku, a weapon of Japanese tradition composed of two cylinders linked by a short chain. The victim was injured by the 23-year-old, who tried to steal her money.

But that, as the police later found, was not the only “shot” signed by the young man. In fact, his hand would always be behind three other attacks that had occurred in rapid succession on August 5, always in the Navigli area. On that occasion also, three women were attacked by the child, hit in the face and arms with fists, for no apparent reason, and ended up in the hospital to be medicated.

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Once arrested, the 23-year-old, who appears to be suffering from mental problems, was unable to give any explanation for his actions. The idea of ​​researchers is that there are more cases, but that other women have not reported because they were only minor injuries. However, excluding any possible connection to the “knockout game”, the “game” that became famous a few years ago that pushed “participants” to try to knock out victims – chosen at random on the street – with a dry punch to the face.
