
It was Bobo Craxi who broke the news of the disappearance of Stefano D’Orazio, drummer for Pooh, who disappeared after being hospitalized for several days. Craxi spoke to the Rai Radio2 microphones during I Lunatici, Radio2’s late-night show run by Roberto Arduini and Andrea Di Ciancio, explaining why he publicly broke the news of the musician’s death and explaining that it was an instinctive gesture, done immediately. , without even thinking about it too much: “I gave the news, thinking that it was already public, I did not even ask myself the problem itself.” Craxi wrote it on twitter: “Stefano my friend. Play and write there too. Hi!” We read in the post that it also contained a photo of D’Orazio. At the time it was official with a post that also appeared on Pooh’s page.
The news of D’Orazio’s death
“I accidentally gave him the news, I wrote right away. Stefano had suffered a lot in recent years, he was not very well, in the last two or three years, “Craxi told radio microphones. They had known each other for a long time and in recent years they got to know each other a lot, continues Craxi:” In the last twenty we are also very popular, in the period when he has somewhat abandoned his entire artistic career. He did not deny at all about being one of the Poohs, but he had also tried a different path, knowing that in art it is important to be multifaceted ”. In the minutes following the news of Rai Uno Loretta Goggi also spoke about Covid: “Knowing her disappeared for what was a trauma. I did not know that I had a previous illness. Covid has struck again ”. Craxi said that “Stefano had been hospitalized for a few days, he had health problems” without specifying what it was.
The last song of the ex Pooh

Stefano D’Orazio had written the text of “I will be reborn, you will be reborn”, song he composed with Roby Facchinetti, who had called him after seeing the images of the military vehicles that took away the corpses of the Covid killed in Bergamo: “He loved to write, he would retire to Pantelleria and write. The Poohs were and are the most acclaimed and loved musical group for its verve. Stefano suffered a lot from the detachment of that experience, but he also developed the idea of being a man capable of doing something else. He was the driving force behind the group, when they started doing some things again ago A couple of years ago, he willingly agreed to do it. He owed the Pooh a lot. ” The singer continued and in recent years had always worked with Facchinetti on writing a musical inspired by the Parsifal that inspired a Pooh record.
The memory of Craxi
“The last thing Stefano did was write a very nice text when the tragedy that we know linked to the coronavirus occurred in Bergamo. He had written a moving and hopeful text that he wanted to universalize,” Craxi recalled, referring to the song in Bergamo, whose video on YouTube has been viewed more than 16 million times: “I was very happy to be able to lend a hand, I didn’t think I had done a rhetorical thing, he always stayed far enough away from rhetoric. In him and in Pooh c ‘has always been an element of generosity. “
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