“I discovered how to identify Covid through voice” – Libero Quotidiano


Good news about the coronavirus. According to the professor John Wise, researcher and professor at the Tor Vergata Polyclinic in Rome, it is possible to identify Covid simply by listening to the patient’s voice on the phone, through the comparison and scientific analysis of 6370 parameters that allow knowing both the existence of the disease and its degree of severity. Invited to Italy Yes, the Rai1 program made by Marco Liorni, Saggio explained: “We tested 150 patients and you can say that we have an accuracy rate of more than 90 percent.”

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The method for the teacher is not complex: “I associate numbers with what I record and, by comparing the parameters, I can understand if pathology is present And what stage is it at? “Basically, the voice samples of Covid patients and healthy ones are recorded, and then the differences are noted. This is good news, especially considering that the vaccine will take time to arrive.
