“I close everything in Campania, the curfew has passed”


De Luca: I close everything in Campania, the curfew passed

Emergency Covid in Campania, Governor De Luca closes everything. “Today we are called to make firm, definitive and effective decisions to face a situation that has become difficult,” he said during a Facebook live broadcast. In the Region today 2,280 infections have been registered. “Every day the epidemic situation runs the risk of becoming unsustainable. That is why I believe that there is no longer an hour to lose and not even the ordinance that enters into force today is already exceeded by the contagion data that we have to face. I think we have to decide today, not tomorrow, not in a week, because we really don’t have time to lose. ”“ We had imagined a partial closure – explained De Luca – but for the data we have, even this is not enough. We have to decide to close everything“.

De Luca has made it known that he will communicate “to the Government not only my request for closure throughout Italy, but also what concerns Campania we will proceed in the direction of closing all. The Government will decide for Italy, for Campania we will do what we think is right for us. I think we have to close everything except industrial, agricultural, construction, agri-food, agri-food supply, the things that we have already known in March and April. Close everything except essential activities. I believe that mobility between regions and between municipalities must be blocked, trying to defend productive activities to the maximum ”.

“I DON’T WANT NAKED TRUCKS” – “We still have time, today we have a difficult situation but we are not in tragedy, but we are one step away from tragedy. Said brutally clearly, I do not want us to face each other here in military trucks carrying hundreds of coffins of deceased people“No one guarantees us that this will not happen, if it is not for our responsibility, for the correction of our behavior and also for the decisions we make immediately, otherwise those images that we saw a few months ago are destined to reproduce and enter into our life in a dramatic way, ”added De Luca.

ONE MONTH OF LOCKOUT TO STOP THE CONTAGE – “Today we must make the last attempt to block the outbreak of the infection, so we must close everything for a month, for 40 days, to stop the outbreak of the infection. Then we will see in a month, but it is clear that without drastic decisions we cannot endure, and we must do so today because we are still in a position to endure, tomorrow it will no longer be possible “.” The situations that we find ourselves at night in front of the bars, the night in the hours of nightlife, in front of the schools at the entrances and exits -added De Luca- are those that have caused an enormous spread of the infection and about which we must make decisions today.

“CLOSE TODAY TO REOPEN AT CHRISTMAS” – “If we have to make, and the time has come, the decision to close, better do it today. If we decide today without wasting time, we will probably have the possibility of arriving at Christmas in better conditions and perhaps we can even imagine a partial reopening” . “However – explained De Luca – what we have before us is not a month of great liveliness, not even on a commercial level. If we have to close, it is better to close today, that is my conviction. The reasons for the suffering and discomfort are clear to me. burden of life that these decisions determine for individuals, families and economic activities. I ask everyone the usual question: what is the alternative? our families “.

CONTACT FOLLOW-UP – “When we have these numbers, contact tracing, that is, the investigation carried out on the close contacts who had the positive, has now become impossible.” “When you have thousands of new positives a day – he concludes – there is no health center that can endure, it becomes impossible to go and rebuild the entire network of infections. This means that you must be even more responsible and correct.”

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