“I am the son of a high executive”


He hits and bites three police officers up high, a financier ends up in a cell in Rome:

During the day he is assigned to the Palazzo Chigi secretariat, at night he is a fighter. A home financier at the government headquarters ended up handcuffed in Rome last night for biting, kicking and hitting two teams of policemen. Reason? He did not want to be identified. It wasn’t necessary for him. “I am a colleague, it is enough. Do you want me to send you to Crotone? »His response to the invitation to show the identity card during a routine check, not far from the Gra.

Formia, traffic accident, financier on trial for the death of a colleague: acquitted
Cape in the north, six arrests, including a doctor. Address for two INPS officials and a financier

The forty-year-old financier, wearing a rock T-shirt and a slightly gray streak, had dated his girlfriend. The chaos just before midnight. Take the Bufalotta junction and, finding the road closed, make a U-turn. Reduce the maneuver. Four agents who were guarding the clearing on two flyers approach. They carry torches. “Documents, please.” The financier responds in a comrade way: “I am a colleague. Everything is fine. “The policemen, however, still want to continue their investigations. And the soldier, almost offended, does not want to bend down to show the document.

After a series of bad jokes, he takes out of his wallet, but without handing it over, only the service card: Finance Police. Then she gets out of the car and unleashes the confusion. One officer is bitten on the hand, one is kicked, another is hit. “To restrain him we had to handcuff him,” a policeman told the judge almost in disgust. Yesterday, the financier was taken to the courtroom in piazzale Clodio to stand trial. He was detained on charges of resisting a public official. A validated arrest, despite his strenuous self-defense.

“Nothing is true,” said the financier. “They have mistreated me. I never imagined it. They pointed a light at my face and provoked me, they said: colleague? At most you are a ticket inspector. ‘

The financier had been slow to give his name and surname, but in his own way he had introduced himself to La Bufalotta. «I am a financier, we are partners. Not enough for you? Do you provoke? I am also the son of a top executive. Your career is over. Do you want to end up in Crotone? Do you want me to kill you? “An officer in the courtroom reports that he also heard” I’ll kill you. “

The arrested financier, unrepentant, however, also tells his truth decisively, diametrically opposed to that of his colleagues. «I suffer from bipolar. I was silent about the Corps. They recommended it to me like that – he said – But I take care of myself. I have an administrative role in the Presidency of the Council of Ministers. I never carry weapons with me. They are kept in the office safe deposit boxes. I only travel unarmed. Why did I react like this? Because I felt under pressure. Victim of an injustice. Due to my ailment, I get defensive. They even threw the gun at me, prevented me from speaking to the lawyer and then left without medicine.

On the night of the tumult, informed of the incident, the prosecutor Carlo Villani ordered his arrest. A misunderstanding, a bit of tension, and hardly any drama served. The prosecutor in the classroom, Donatella Plutino, did not ask for precautionary measures for the military. The defense obviously lined up. And the judge ordered immediate release. And so, after a night in the cell, the accused returned home. But with the weight of more complaints. The sentence of the next weeks will establish how much the psychological disorder, kept hidden, has affected his behavior.

During the validation hearing, however, something else also emerged: just a few days ago, on September 9, the financier was also at the center of a heated discussion in the condominium from which he left with two complaints before the judicial authority: one for possession of offending objects and one for possession of narcotics. “A small knife and a little packaged light hemp that can be bought in stores, and actually, in my opinion, not even kidnapable”, the detainee will always specify defensively.

