“I am asymptomatic, but I have been locked up at home for 10 days: nobody rubs me”


AVIGLIANA. The Covid-19 infection can represent a real torture even if you are asymptomatic or suffer very mild symptoms, as is the case of Sara Ferrentino, a young mother residing in Avigliana, who has been locked in the house for more than ten days with her husband and two young children waiting for the control panel who is late. “It all started on the morning of Saturday October 10, when I woke up without feeling any smell – says the woman -. I immediately understood that I had caught the virus, so I went to Rivoli hospital for the hyssop and then locked myself in the house.
After the test
After the test in the hospital, Sara Ferrentino went to the family doctor and the pediatrician of the 13-month-old twins to report the situation. Then he warned family, friends, acquaintances he had met in the previous days, to alert them. Her husband, a teacher, was immediately dropped from the high school where he works; she (waiting for the result) asked for days off: “Just on Thursday, when my doctor received the results of the positive swab and called me, my health insurance was contracted,” says the young mother who works for a company in the Lower Susa Valley.

Now the young mother is waiting for the response buffer: “The 10 days have passed, but no one from ASL has contacted me for the test. And the number to call to ask for the tampon is always jammed, so the four of us stayed locked in the house ”says the protagonist of the story that fortunately only caused a slight fever in the two very young children. In the management of the Sara Ferrentino case, something did not work, not even in the contact tracing: “Of the friends and family that I have reported, no one has ever been called for the hyssop. It depended on their sensitivity whether to remain isolated or not. “And now the couple wonders when this ordeal will end:” My husband was not subjected to a tampon: my doctor could not request it and the ASL did not subject him to any control.
Absurdly, Sara Ferrentino’s husband could leave, putting other people at risk: “We will respect the rules that mark me,” the woman assures. That is why I am afraid that we will have to spend the 21 days of isolation at home, which will expire next Saturday. And children? “I may already be cured, but I will have to miss more days of work without a confirmatory test. For them it is even worse: in the absence of a tampon, they will have to face another 14 days of quarantine from the end of my isolation.
