«I am asking Salvini for damages. A campaign of hatred against me »- Corriere.it


“I have taken legal action against Matteo Salvini, a civil suit before the Milan court for damages.”

Damages for which president Laura Boldrini?
“For a massive exploitation of me through an unprecedented campaign of hatred. Massive and long-lasting, with virulent tones. ‘

What are we talking about?
“My name associated with the crimes committed by migrants, as if I were responsible for those criminal actions. But to understand we must be in order.

Let’s go in order.
“Let’s start in 2013 when the League was a shattered party – it was at 4% – and Salvini decided to attack migrants to revive his fortune and also needed a political scapegoat.

2013 is the year in which he assumes the presidency of the Chamber.
“Yes, and Salvini decides to take me as a political target.”

Because she?
“He had worked 15 years for UNHCR, the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.”

“So Salvini and the League invented a distorted narrative of my thinking about immigration.”

“They argue that I wanted the invasion of immigrants, ethnic substitution, indiscriminate immigration. Then they arrive at the synthesis with a motto that has never ceased to haunt me.

What motto?
“The Boldrinian Resources”.

What does that mean?
“Because I spoke of immigrants as resources. But that’s how Mattarella, Visco, Tito Boeri also spoke ».

And why are they just mad at her?
“For many reasons. Because in the 25 years at the UN I have always dedicated myself to respect human rights, because I am a woman and I am not afraid to say what I think. With this motto Salvini and the Lega have invaded social networks with violence and vulgarity. Indirectly they blamed me for the most heinous murders perpetrated by immigrants, such as those of Desirée Mariottini and Pamela Mastropietro. ”

Still with that motto?
Yes: the Boldrinian resources. A hate machine so powerful and persuasive that the engineer I hired to capture and analyze social media posts said he had never seen anything like it. And that all that material was also going to convince him. ”

Did you say that Salvini’s hate campaign started in 2013?
However, the motto that led to the synthesis of Boldrin’s resources came in 2015 ”.

And why has it just now been decided to denounce Matteo Salvini?
Because the campaign never ended. It never ends. Since I stopped serving as Speaker of the House in 2018, I have started criminalizing some authors of social media posts. Unique posts, unique complaints ».

Salvini too?
“No, he had done a lot of posts. I hoped that with the end of my institutional position I could also end the hate campaign.

And instead?
“We have reached the peak of what happened a few days ago in the Chamber.”

What happened?
We were discussing the immigration decree in the Chamber and a deputy, Daniele Belotti, got up from the benches of the League and said ‘This is a boldrinata’ explaining that it was a set of actions aimed at favoring mass immigration, especially Islamic. , to eliminate the Italian identity and achieve ethnic substitution. I realized that it was being used as a target again and at this point I said enough.

December 8, 2020 (change December 8, 2020 | 11:33 am)

