hypothesis extension until January 6 – Corriere.it


The Christmas cashback could extend into overtime and reach Befana. The last valid day for purchases with electronic money that entitles you to a 10% refund of the expense, but with well-defined limits and ceilings, could postponement from December 31, as planned until now, to January 6. And this to somehow compensate the many people who even on December 8, the day of the debut of the payments that give the right to a refund, tried in vain to register credit and debit cards in the Io App, which went crazy for Many. requests.

The false start made him lose patience also to Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, who had personally dedicated his time to the incentive program for electronic payments. And for that, beyond the apologies for the inconvenience and the public statements that speak of record numbers, there is considerable irritation towards PagoPa, the company controlled by Palazzo Chigi that runs the program.

App IO problems and changes made

At the end of the day, by the Prime Minister

made it known that the slowdown problems have been overcome and that since Wednesday, December 9 There will be an easier one-click procedure to register your cards. But at least until Tuesday night the App continued to freeze, loading new means of payment was impossible while, for those who had managed to do so in the previous hours, the expenses already made were not visible.

Cashback, 2.3 million subscribers immediately

Electronic payment instruments activated for cashback total almost 2.3 million. But only a little more than half signed up on the Io app, the rest on the other channels, like Satispay, which followed suit. For this reason, the hypothesis of the extension until Befana remains in the field, although today the problems really have to be overcome.

The extension of the experimental phase until January 6?

However, from a technical point of view, this is not an easy step.

. The measure should be included in a possible Milleproroghe decree, which will be launched at the end of the year but with an uncertain destination (not taking into account that the ordinary state cashback phase should start on January 1, 2021). Or in the decree on the governance of the recovery fund, which is not exactly the same topic, and then it was transferred in the shoot to the budget law. In either case, there is the will to do something to repair the damage.

The outstretched hand and the appeals of Pornhub

There is a risk of appeals, beyond the almost routine presented by Codacons. And there is also the damage to the image in which he rages Pornhub: as I had already done on the occasion of others failure since the day of the click, the Canadian site has offered the Italian government its technical assistance. A move halfway between marketing and provocation that, of course, went unanswered.
