It will be the Scientific Technical Committee this afternoon that brings proposals to the government table to introduce new rules during the Christmas holidays. This is the mandate that the Palazzo Chigi summit with the party’s heads of delegation has entrusted to the scientists, coordinated by Agostino Miozzo. Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte, initially reluctant to introduce new restrictions, listened to the rigorous ministers Speranza, Franceschini, Boccia and Bonafede and understood their concern.
Christmas runs the risk of being the prelude to the third wave of Covid in January And, in addition to the dramatic impact on the health of Italians and health facilities, the stability of the government could also be affected. The problem now is how to dose the measures. There are two main hypotheses. Decide that Italy will be a great orange zone during the holidays., with bars and restaurants closed, limited movements but shops open, or a national red zone: at that point we would find a new general confinement, as in spring, when you could leave home only for emergencies, needs and health and with self-certification in your pocket.
While Parliament will have to comment on the repeal of inter-municipal movements, the hard line is also being driven by pressure from scientists who fear a third wave soon if the meetings are not stopped. CTS leaders have been clear in describing a situation that could quickly get worse without restrictive measures.
December 14, 2020 (change December 14, 2020 | 14:13)