Hungary, Parliament changes the Constitution: the family is legal only if it is heterosexual


SEDAN – As of today in Hungary, the family can only be legal if it is heterosexual: in fact, only heterosexual couples can raise or adopt children. And children should receive a conservative education “based on our national constitutional identity and Christian values.” The elected majority government of the charismatic prime minister Viktor Orbán he wrote it in the Constitution.

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Parliament passed the related ninth amendment to the basic law, with 123 votes in favor, 45 against, and 5 abstentions. “Our goal is to protect children, not to discriminate against groups,” said the Minister of Justice. Judit Varga. Amnesty International and civil rights NGOs speak instead of a “black day” for gender equality and the rule of law.

The atmosphere had been marked a few hours earlier by a speech broadcast on television and online by the Minister of the Family, Katin novak, according to which women should stop worrying about earning the same as men for the same job and qualification and should mainly worry about having children, being good mothers and the center and driving force of the traditional family.

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The practical meaning of the constitutional amendment, according to what they write Ansa, Reuters, Efe and all major international news agencies, adopting and raising children for gay or transgender couples is prohibited. Therefore, the question arises as to whether or not this choice is compatible with the constitutive values ​​of the European Union (to which Hungary belongs) and liberal democracy.

The harshest homophobic statements came for years from the former MEP of Orbán’s party (Fidesz) József Szájer, then resigned after the scandal of the gay orgy in which he participated in Brussels violating the confinement, and by his wife the judge Tünde Hando, former president of the Constitutional Court, still a member of the same, and co-author of the constitutional reform drafted in 2011 and which entered into force in 2012, inspired by the concept of “anti-liberal democracy” enunciated by Orbán himself. It is not uncommon to cite Turkey, Russia or China as examples and publicly praise Erdogan and Putin. The ninth amendment reads: “The mother is a woman, the father is a man. Hungary guarantees the child’s right to identify with the sex with which he was born.”

The amendment and the new law allow the right of adoption only for heterosexual couples. According to the spokesperson for Amnesty International Italy, Riccardo Noury, quoted by agencies Agi ed Eph, “Comes the consecration of stigma and discrimination against homosexual, transgender and intersex people”.

In Hungary’s main ally in the European Union, National Sovereign Poland, the majority-elected PiS party has drawn up a law to ban any LGBTQ community gathering, march, or public event.
