
Killed by Co vid, invisible enemy? No. The real pandemic is called “mismanagement”: the committee of the families of the victims of Bergamo “Noi Denunceremo” announces the blackout of the press after the publication of the minutes of the CTS declassified yesterday, but in doing so obliges the government to Giuseppe Conte to his responsibilities. Accusations that make noise. “We took the time to read and analyze all the documents declassified yesterday afternoon – say in a note Luca Fusco and Consuelo Locales, respectively president and lawyer of the Noi Denounce committee – we believe that the content of the documents that emerged, particularly those that anticipate the national closure, denote that those who killed our people were not ‘the invisible enemy’ or the ‘killer virus’ “.

In many ways, the government has not followed the advice of experts. “We wonder how we can get to the third week after the declaration of the state of emergency without having a full selection of beds available in hospitals, particularly in intensive care. Or how we could have thought that it was not necessary to trace the asymptomatic. We have not been faced with a pandemic, but another case of Italian mismanagement. We have long wondered why it was decided to keep public documents classified for so long. Now we have an answer “, reads the note from the Bergamo committee.

“As representatives of the victims’ families, we feel humiliated and offended – conclude Locati and Fusco – We believe that these documents represent an outrage against decency and modesty. Therefore, we do not intend to issue statements to the press until we deem it necessary to do so again. Our silence will be the silence of all the relatives of the victims, not only those of the coronavirus, but also of those who, due to the emergency, have had to postpone important treatments and operations and who, despite being able to survive, have left us in recent months. Thousands. “In silence and among government secrets.