how to see it and the next news


the October pension ticket should be online in these hours like every month. Retirees can in fact look at it according to the usual channels of access to INPS Online Services.

But with the month of October comes not only the payment of the pension ticket, but also of the Advertisements. First of all, we recall that the slippage in October, as in the previous months in the COVID-19 emergency, is paid in advance according to the INPS calendar that divides pensioners who withdraw the check in cash by last name.

The first payment of the October pension ticket is set for the next Friday September 25. Let’s see in detail how to view october pension receipt online me what is the news that comes.

October pension ballot: how to view it online

The October pension voucher can be consulted online a few days before accreditation in the reserved area of ​​the INPS dedicated to the service.

In particular, the pensioner who wants to know in advance what the amount of the October pension will be (this for the months in which deductions are foreseen for example) must carry out the following steps:

  • access your reserved area with SPID, PIN, CSN and CIE;
  • once entered you must enter the password “look for” the wording “proof of pension”;
  • once you have entered the pension voucher area, click on “Verify payments”;
  • select from menu month of Octoberand see the corresponding payroll.

Through the area dedicated to the shelter of the pension it is also possible to access other services. From this page you can:

  • modify personal data, address and contact details;
  • make communications;
  • view and print the Unica certification;
  • view all previous pension receipts and compare them with each other.

With the online service you can check not only the amount of the October pension voucher, but compare it even with the previous months. Remember that October pensions are paid in advance according to the following schedule:

  • Friday September 25th: pension paid for surnames with initials A and B;
  • Saturday September 26: pension paid for surnames with initials C and D;
  • Monday September 28: pension paid for surnames with initials from E to K;
  • Tuesday September 29th: pension paid for surnames with initials of the O;
  • Wednesday September 30th: pension paid for surnames with initials from P to R;
  • Thursday October 1st: pension paid for surnames with initials if C and Z.

Pensions credited to a bank account are paid, as usual, on the first banking day of the month, the October 1st.

Pension slippage: news in October

Starting next October there are news not only for the pension receipt, but also for all online services on the INPS website.

As the same institute announced in a press release with an attached circular dated July 17, as of October 1, 2020, the PIN will no longer be issued as a credential to access the Institute’s services.

The PIN will be replaced by SPID, the Public Digital Identity System that allows access to online services of the Public Administration. Those who will then have to review the pension receipt will have to do so with SPID.

However, the INPS specifies that for those who currently have the PIN, the transition to SPID will take place gradually in accordance with the instructions provided with the aforementioned circular number 87. In fact, the Institute has planned transitory phase which will end with the definitive termination of the validity of the PINs issued by the Institute. As specified by INPS in the press release:

“The PINs in possession of users will remain valid and may be renewed at their natural expiration until the end of the transitional phase, the date of which will be defined later.”

For future pensioners who still do not have access to the INPS online services as of October 1, the need to see the future pension receipts will be to have the SPID.
