the flu vaccine 2020-2021 It is already super requested even by those who do not
it is part of the risk categories. This year, due to the Covid-19 emergency, experts recommend get a flu shot to facilitate the diagnosis of the disease and avoid putting the health system in difficulties.
After having seen how, where to get the 2020-2021 flu vaccine, how much it costs and for whom it is free, below we explain the procedure and how to reserve. Here is the answer for those who want to know how to reserve the flu vaccine if you are not entitled to free.
How and where to reserve the 2020-2021 flu vaccine
Those who do not fall into the risk categories but still want get a flu shot for a fee, you must move according to the rules established in your own Region and Asl to which you belong. The methods and procedures for reserving the vaccine, in fact, vary. In all cases, the vaccinator must be equipped with fiscal Code.
In general, to reserve the flu shot you should ask:
- the family doctor or pediatrician
- to the territorial vaccination centers
- in the pharmacy
Given the emergency period, the ways to make an appointment are all telematics. Depending on the rules set by the individual ASSTs, you will be asked to book through online modules, call the toll free number or by email.
A RomeFor example, in ASL Roma1 you can call the Contact Center to Make an appointment for the vaccination session, with referral and payment.
ASL Roma 2, for its part, communicates that those who are not at risk who want to carry out the paid influenza vaccination can contact family doctor who must make the dematerialized prescription for the purchase of the vaccine in the pharmacy at a cost of 9.50 euros, plus the cost of administration in private. For subjects between 6 and 60 years old, it is necessary to reserve the vaccine by sending an email to [email protected] specifying the surname, first name, tax code of the vaccinated person (mandatory), mobile phone and town hall. be included in the waiting list; The reservation form will be sent by email.
Waiting times
At the moment, priority is given to the higher risk categories. That is why whoever wants to book an appointment for the paid vaccination should know that the times to be respected will be longer. ASL Roma1, for example, specifies that it can only be moved after November 10, while ASL Roma2 informs that the appointment will presumably be set in the month of December 2020 the January 2021 and until the vaccines are finished.