The feared second pandemic wave so evoked in recent months hits Italy. After many months, the confinement, the curfew and the restrictive measures of personal freedom return to try to stop the virus infection.
The fear of contagion and the search for information on how to protect yourself during necessary daily activities becomes more relevant than ever. In this article we will discover how to buy safely avoiding being infected by Covid-19.
Even if we lock ourselves up at home and drastically reduce our visits, there is always a need to go shopping. Of course, you should avoid going to the supermarket every day. In those moments in which we are forced to do so, it is essential to know the rules to safeguard our health and that of our neighbors to the maximum.
How to buy safely avoiding being infected by Covid-19
In addition to wearing the mask correctly, remembering to cover your nose as well, here is a little reminder of things to do:
a) Prepare the shopping list minimizing the stay in the supermarket.
b) Go at less frequented times, such as early in the morning and during lunch.
c) Avoid touching all the packages and simply take the one that interests us from the shelf.
d) Avoid touching your face without sanitizing your hands.
e) Use your mobile phone as little as possible so as not to infect it with dirty hands or remember to disinfect it frequently.
f) In the box, keep a safe distance.
g) Prefer payment by debit or credit card. Contacts are recognized as a hotbed of microorganisms.
h) Try to go to the supermarket once a week.
i) Find stores that deliver home delivery.
l) Once at home, disinfect the purchased goods and wash your hands well.
m) Change out of used clothes to go shopping.
Here’s an article on how to sanitize your washing machine in the Covid-19 era.
(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted WHO”)