Also in the field are Germany’s Curevac and American Moderna, which collaborates with the United States Institute for Infectious Disease Research on pandemic vaccine research.
Also in the field are the German Curevac and the American Moderna, which collaborates in research on the vaccine against the pandemic with the American Institute for Infectious Diseases Research.
2 ‘reading
The Covid vaccine developed by companies Pfizer me Biontech is based on one of the most innovative and advanced technologies, also adopted by two other large companies in the race: the German Curevac and the american Modern, which is collaborating with the U.S. Infectious Diseases Research Agency on pandemic vaccine research, the Grandchildren directed by Anthony Fauciand with the Coalion for Epidemic Preparedness Innovation (Cepi).
Race of three
All three vaccines are in the third and final phase of the clinical trial, and all three are RNA vaccines. Vaccines of this type use the sequence of the genetic material of the new coronavirus, namely ribonucleic acid (RNA), the molecular messenger that contains the instructions to build the virus’s proteins. The use of messenger RNA (mRNA) was a choice dictated by the need to be able to produce vaccines in a short time, obtaining an optimal immune response.
The use of messenger RNA
The goal is to directly administer the mRNA that controls the production of a protein against which the immune system reacts. In the case of the virus responsible for the pandemic, the protein is Spike, the molecular claw used to latch onto healthy cells and invade them. Small shuttles are used to carry the instructions for the cells to make the Spike protein.
The Spike protein was one of the first to be identified, it is well known, and the human immune system has been shown to be able to recognize it. As soon as this happens, the body’s defenses stimulate the production of B cells, which produce antibodies, and T cells, which specialize in destroying infected cells.
Fauci’s optimism
Commenting on the vaccine data from Pfizer and Biontech, Niaid director, immunologist Anthony Fauci, called the results “very good.” “They show,” he observed, “that the new technology used, based on the use of messenger RNA, acts to induce the immune response.” Given that the technology is the same as the basis of Moderna’s Covid vaccine, for Fauci the hope is that soon “maybe we will have two vaccines.”