Editorial Board
03 November 2020 18:53
There is also room for that smart working in the Public Administration in the draft of the new Dpcm that the Government intends to launch between tonight and tomorrow. In drought of the decree that must contain new restrictive measures to contain the rebound in coronavirus infections, such as the curfew or the limitation of travel between regions, it is also invited to resort to the greatest possible extent to ‘agile work’ in the PA, with a differentiation of the times of entry and exit of the personnel. The only exception should involve those who work in the national health system.
Dpcm draft November 3, how smart work changes
The draft Dpcm is asked quite explicitly to use smart work as much as possible. In public administrations we read in text, taking into account the evolution of the epidemiological situation, each manager:
- organizes its office ensuring, on a daily, weekly or multi-weekly basis, the performance of agile work in the highest possible percentage, and in any case not less than that required by law, of the personnel assigned to the activities that can be carried out in this way, compatible with the organizational potential and the effectiveness of the service provided;
- adopts towards the employees referred to in article 21-bis, of decree law no. 104, converted, with modifications, by law October 13, 2020, n. 126, as well as as a norm with respect to fragile workers, all useful solutions to ensure the performance of activities in an agile manner also through the assignment to different functions included in the same category or area of employment as defined by the current collective agreements, and the performance of specific professional training activities.
Draft dpcm November 3: different entry and exit times
In addition to the use of smart work, the other key point contained in the draft Dpcm concerns Schedule employees’ entry and exit times, which must be differentiated: “Public administrations provide for a differentiation of the entry and exit times of personnel, without prejudice to health and social-health personnel, as well as those who carry out activities related to the emergency or essential public services. Private employers also recommend differentiation of staff entry times. “
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