The deadline is already announced: December 28. That day the last vote on the budget law is expected and if by that date the government of Giuseppe Conte has not accepted all your requests about the Recovery Plan, Matteo Renzi is willing to take away your confidence and work for a new government in support from the center-right. . And this even if in the meantime the prime minister is working on that reorganization and that controlled crisis that should lead to Conte-Ter.
How Renzi is ready to overthrow the government on December 28
Renzi’s plan, therefore, intersects (clashes?) With Conte’s to stay at Palazzo Chigi. And he hopes that he will take to the field of Palazzo Madama to take away the confidence of the current executive while his ministers are willing to resign. A political crisis that would come in the midst of the coronavirus emergency and that declares the Giallorossi season closed. And that, as usual, was denied yesterday by Maria Elena Boschi during the interview with Lucia Annunziata for half an hour more: “We do not want any crisis. Conte said that he has the best ministers in the world and therefore for us even the issue of the reorganization is closed. But we are not yesman, “the leader of the Renziana group told television.
Going to the attack: “If there is a crisis there will be no vote because a president of the European Republic has to be elected and because the M5S has two problems: the second term and the fact that many would not return to Parliament.” Forget that even in Italia Viva the problem of returning to parliament would arise for many of the current parliamentarians, since a simulation of voting with the current system (the Rosatellum) and the average of the Youtrend polls would lead the center-right to have two thirds of parliamentarians, while Italia Viva, on the other hand, would be close to disappearing, managing to gather 5-7 hyper-armored single-member districts on the model of Emma Bonino in the 2018 elections compared to 48 MPs today.
Therefore, the prospect of voting also alarms Renzi. Who, La Stampa reports today in a fund signed by Amedeo Lamattina, had contacts with Gianni Letta to probe the availability of Silvio Berlusconi and the viability of the operation that Salvini himself imagines, or a new center-right majority extended to Italia Viva, killing and Conte and 5S. Opposition sources also report contacts between the two Matteo. That would thus go to the government together, a perspective that the secretary of the League has always denied and that until now has seen Giorgia Meloni against (verbally).
A new Dpcm for Italy in the red or orange zone from Christmas to New Year?
The accountant, the reorganization, the crisis
Today Silvio Berlusconi makes himself heard again with a letter to Corriere della Sera: “I want to be as optimistic as possible. I trust that beyond the reasons for alignment we can find a convergence in the specific needs of the country. For our part, we will do everything possible, as always, not for a political part but for the Italians “. On the other side of the fence is Conte. Who starts the government verification today, as it plans to bring Italy into the red or orange zone from Christmas to New Years. He will start talking to the delegation of the 5 Star Movement, continue with the Democratic Party, and then, only then, will he meet Italia Viva. The Prime Minister wants the political forces to confirm or take away his trust in Parliament. While the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella advised him not to touch, in case of reorganization, the key ministries, that is, interior, exterior, economy, health and defense.
It will be a problem, given that a background of La Stampa de Ilario Lombardo says that the M5S would like to remove Luciana Lamorgese to seat one of its members in the Viminale. In this context, the delegation of the secret services, another hot topic on the reorganization table, would go to the Democratic Party. Then there is the question of the two alternate premieres to work with Conte, as when the lawyer ruled with the Lega and the grillini. In this case, Italia Viva could be compensated by a weighty ministry, Defense, in whose armchair Renzi could sit. However, Il Messaggero also points to another, more explosive hypothesis:
Finally, the last scenario is that of a major reorganization. A kind of commotion of the executive seats that happens, however, also in the head of the prime minister. Because the last case predicts impossible the birth, even if there were numbers, of a Count. Most likely, in this scenario considered serious and only one step short of new elections, the birth of a technical government with a new prime minister.
They all look in the direction of Mario Draghi. However, in these cases he usually looks elsewhere. Or to the Quirinale.