Lost fund by and closed premises, the Ministry of Economy has provided projections on thecontribution amountClubs will take more, followed by cinemas and theaters.
The budget made available by Soft drink decree It amounts to 6,200 million euros, which will be distributed among the categories of activities affected by the new restrictive measures in force until 24 November.
The minimum amount per category is reserved for companies that have invoiced up to 400,000 euros, the maximum amount is intended for those with a turnover between 1 and 5 million euros.
The audience of beneficiaries will also include companies with a turnover of more than 5 million (with a refreshment equivalent to 10% of the decrease in turnover) for a total of more than 300,000 interested companies.
The mechanism will be, as a whole, more generous than the previous one of the Relaunch Decree, considering that in most of the cases considered, a 100% to 400% contribution than previously paid.
In any case, the maximum amount of the contribution is 150,000 euros.
Fund lost for closed premises: how much is the contribution?
Will be theRevenue agency to dispense directly onto the Bank account of the business closed or operating with reduced hours the new aids. The Ministry of Economy has published technical forecasts on the amount of contributions.
In general, contributions will amount to:
- taxi drivers from 1,000 to 10,000 euros
- from 5,000 to 25,000 euros for restaurants;
- from 3,400 to 20,000 euros for pastry shops;
- from 4,000 to 16,000 euros for gyms;
- from 4,000 to 20,000 for hotels;
- from 5,000 to 30,000 euros for theaters;
- youth hostels from 3,800 to 35,000 euros;
- from 11,000 to 50,000 discos.
On average, government “soft drinks” amounted to € 4,489.

Fund lost due to closed premises: when does the contribution arrive?
The arrival of non-refundable contributions to the current account of companies will not happen for everyone in the same period.
Disbursement of funds will follow a double via: on the one hand there are those who have already requested the contributions of the relaunch decree, and therefore will not have to submit a new application, on the other hand those who had previously been excluded from the legislation or did not apply.
The activities belonging to the first category will receive the corresponding contribution before November 15th. For the others, however, the indications of theRevenue agency, which faces a double task: to initiate the first payments respecting the announced deadline and define times and rules for the presentation of new applications.

Non-refundable contributions for closed premises: are new beneficiaries arriving?
Meanwhile, the excluded sectors from the list of beneficiaries of the economic support measures (such as the income tax credit and the exemption of the second tranche of IMU).
The Ristoro decree in fact excluded a long series of activities, both “parallel” to those benefited by the aid, such as dining rooms, recreational clubs, dance schools, but also more “distant” categories, such as home helpers, accountants and labor consultants .
Therefore, a ministerial decree could arrive with more Ateco codes, but the funds currently available are very few: only 50 million euros.