Today the government dictates More expensive outdoors, in public places and even at home. Giuseppe Conte hold a press conference without even taking it off. IS Luigi di maio confirms that they have “saved many human lives.” An enthusiasm for widespread Dpi that may have a logic, but that hides a basic hypocrisy. Only six months ago, in fact, commentators, experts, politicians and even the Ministry of Health considered the masks practically useless. Almost. So much so that the government came to prescribe them only to those who “suspect they are sick”, even ignoring a European standard that, instead, defined them as perfect for stopping pandemic events.
The revelation is contained in the “Coronavirus black book: secrets and background of the pandemic that shocked Italy”, Posted by Historica Edizioni (click here). At the beginning of the emergency, the ministry headed by Roberto Speranza post a Frequently asked questions on its website (now defunct) to explain that the WHO recommends covering your mouth “only if you suspect you have contracted the new coronavirus”, that is, if you have “symptoms such as coughing and sneezing” or if you have been around a person ” with suspected coronavirus infection “. For everyone else, in the absence of symptoms of respiratory diseases, “the mask” is not necessary.
As noted, the position changes a few months later. And everyone starts wearing the batman masks. But for many, too many weeks, politicians (yes, even the majority) do the exact opposite, ridiculing who – how Attilio fontana – insists on wearing protections. Remember the video where the Lombard governor tries to slip in a DPI? Adversaries, commentators, and so-called intellectuals slaughter him. “The Facebook live mask is useless exactly because you don’t need to put it in the Chamber’s classroom,” says Matteo Orfini. He echoes his colleague Maurizio Martina, who invites Fontana not to “feed the panic.” And even from M5S choruses of mockery emerge: for Toninelli the Northern League exposes Italy “to the risk of economic isolation that has no justification.” The big newspapers do the same, today at the forefront of underlining the correction of Conte and yesterday ready to pour rivers of ink against Fontana. the Only calls it a “scene.” the Bed sheet a “panic multiplier”. And Selvaggia Lucarelli paints her as a “shitty figure”. One of many to do, on the subject, a double somersault with pike with discreet indifference.
The paradox is completed on April 5, when 500 people died a day and there were almost 4 thousand people hospitalized in intensive care (yesterday, for example, 31 died and the total number of intubated was “only” 337). Lombardy that day makes it mandatory to wear a mask (or scarf) when leaving home. Open the sky. Immediately the president of the CTS, Franco Locatelli, is quick to point out that the ordinance is not inspired by the indications of the Cts and the commissioner Angelo borrelli, almost irritated, he responds with a curt “I don’t use it.” After all, Valter Ricciardi, between February and March, put it this way: “Masks are useless for the healthy person.” And even the WHO has long confirmed substantially that “there is limited evidence that the use of a mask by healthy people in families or between contacts of a sick patient or in places with other people can be useful as a preventive measure.” . Rereading them today makes you smile a little.
Also because, in reality, it was enough to read a standard prepared by the European Committee for Standardization (Cen), and implemented by the national Uni, to understand that the masks would have served to contain the pandemic. It is, like the Coronavirus Black Book, of a technical standard (UNI EN 14683: 2019) indicated by the Ministry of Health itself as a point of reference for the manufacture of surgical masks in full emergency and that normally guarantees the essential safety requirements of those with CE marking. “Masks for medical use – he says – can also be designed to be used by patients and others to reduce the risk of spreading infections, particularly in epidemic or pandemic situations.” Clearer than that … But whoever preaches with a mask in hand today had trouble wearing it yesterday.