A lucrative private healthcare market is flourishing in Covid tampons, favoring those who can afford a lot and immediately. We can already imagine what will happen when vaccines against the coronavirus are available.
Since there has already been an appalling rationing of general practitioners on flu vaccines. And many families have bought them privately. In Covid tampons, made in private facilities or at home, the expense necessary to avoid having to go to a drive in, or queue at an ASL, is variable, highly variable, even a dancer.

Since the schools opened their doors, the workshops have been raided from morning until dawn. And requests for tampon at home are multiplying, much more expensive but more secure and private. Here’s the price waltz spotted by the health experts at ProiezionidiBorsa.
What tampon can be made in private?
Going to a private center, in addition to the rhino-pharyngeal molecular swab, it is possible to request the rapid or antigenic swab, which is always performed on material extracted from a nasal or nasopharyngeal swab.
Warning: Unlike the molecular swab, the quick swab does not detect the RNA of the virus, but its proteins (the antigens). The result is significant: this test gives quick answers in twenty minutes and at a lower price.
Unfortunately, the rapid test is a little less reliable than the classic swab, so it can declare positive who is not or negative who has been infected. Therefore, pay attention to what type of tampon is offered by email or telephone and at what price.
The quick test, which should cost an average of 22 euros, does not have any. It starts from 25-28 euros on average request. And, in some cases, it goes up to 50 euros. Also on the receipt is the strange entry “nasal test”, which is meaningless. Since the non-nasal test does not exist.
In short, if you are in the mood to spend in peace, it is best to ask clearly about the molecular buffer. That should be pushed to the end of the nose.
How many private structures are there in the red and orange areas?
As of mid-September, there were more than 150 private structures authorized to perform swabs in the higher risk regions (such as Lombardy, Piedmont, Veneto, Emilia-Romagna, Lazio and Campania), and today we have more than 170 authorized structures in these territories.
Many of them also perform serological tests. How much does it cost to do the Covid swab privately at the clinic or at home? In Campania, the molecular swab currently costs 50 to 89 euros, but some labs still charge more than 90 euros. The average price of the serological test should be around 45-48 euros with peaks of 50.
The appointment can be arranged online and waiting times are variable, in any case greater than three days. No prescription is requested in half of the cases.
How much does it cost to take a Covid swab privately, at the clinic or at home?
In Lombardy, the private molecular Covid test costs from 70 to 125 euros and even more with home collection.
Even in Veneto, the cost exceeds 100 euros, ranging between 65 and 102, with an average cost of 84 euros.
In Piedmont, the cost of a tampon can double, depending on where you go. It starts from 75 euros and can go up to 152.
But Emilia-Romagna is the region where the costs become really inexplicable. It starts from 75 euros and goes up to 109 euros, but in some cases, with home withdrawal, 162 are also requested.
(We remind you to carefully read the relevant warnings, which can be consulted WHO”)