There are 32,844 (+60) compared to yesterday, of which 43 asymptomatic (out of 60 cases, 19 screening examinations, 33 case contacts, 8 with ongoing investigation; imported cases are 16 out of 60) cases of people that so far tested positive for Covid -19 in Piedmont, divided as follows at the provincial level: 4171 Alessandria, 1916 Asti, 1076 Biella, 3102 Cuneo, 3004 Novara, 16,380 Turin, 1552 Vercelli, 1180 Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, as well as 284 residents outside the region, but in charge of Piedmontese health structures. The remaining 179 cases are pending and territorial assignment. There are 5 hospitalized in intensive care (like yesterday). There are 85 hospitalized patients who are not in intensive care (+4 compared to yesterday). There are 1,315 people in home isolation. The diagnostic swabs processed so far are 585,831, of which 326,970 were negative. One death was reported in the afternoon by the Region Crisis Unit, none today. Therefore, the total is 4146 deaths who tested positive for the virus, divided as follows by province: 681 Alessandria, 256 Asti, 208 Biella, 399 Cuneo, 373 Novara, 1834 Turin, 223 Vercelli, 132 Verbano-Cusio- Ossola, as well as 40 residents outside the region, but died in Piedmont.
Today, the Crisis Unit of the Piedmont Region announced that the virologically cured patients, that is, who tested negative in the two tests at the end of the disease, are 26,820 (+57 compared to yesterday), divided as follows by provinces: 3362 (+18) Alessandria, 1602 (+0) Asti, 848 (+0) Biella, 2555 (+7) Cuneo, 2.400 (+10) Novara, 13.751 (+13) Turin, 1135 (+7) Vercelli, 986 (+1) Verbano-Cusio-Ossola, as well as 181 (+1) from other regions. Another 473 are improving, that is, negative on the first test swab, post-illness and awaiting the result of the second.