how many people at the table for the holidays? only closest affections-


The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, returned to television on Tuesday night, on La7’s DiMarted program, to explain the reasons that will guide the new decree of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, which arrives on December 3 and is destined to take effect on 4 from December.

The data show that the epidemic is still very present in our country, Speranza explained. The death toll is high, but there is also another truth to be said: two weeks ago it was 1.7, then 1.4, now just under 1.2 and it continues to fall. The measures are working. And if we want to hope to turn all of Italy into the yellow zone, we must continue to comply with anti-Covid measures.

If the new Dpcm is based on the trend of epidemiological data – which at this moment indicates a flattening of the contagion curve – Speranza invites us not to change the first signs that go in the right direction for a narrow escape. The situation remains very serious and the pressure on our health services remains very strong and therefore we still need great rigor.

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How many people at Christmas?

In this context, decisions will be made about the next month, December, and the next holidays.

How many people will be able to attend the Christmas dinners and lunches? It must be limited to the closest affections, Speranza said. Tomorrow (Wednesday) there is a meeting on the numbers, we will evaluate them. In Germany they chose number 10 (here the options for other European countries). The message is this: time to be with loved ones, but reduce all occasions when the infection can spread. The seats at the table should be limited to the most expensive affections.

When will the schools reopen?

As for the schools, now at the center of a tug of war between majority parties (IV and M5S would like to reopen them on December 9), Speranza said that we will do everything possible to reopen in December: you have to see the epidemiological picture, evaluating it day to day. Schools are and continue to be one of the government’s top priorities. Valuations in this regard are expected – Speranza concluded – in the coming days.

Will I be able to ski in December?

Speranza also invited to limit – and if possible, avoid – any unnecessary movement between regions, and also spoke of the closure of the ski slopes, scheduled for the entire holiday period (as well as in France): I understand that behind the slopes of the skiing there are people who work and deserve the utmost respect. The point is to avoid the many aggregations that can develop and the many transfers of people going on vacation to the ski resorts. We have to be very careful and remember what happened last summer, when so many lowered their guard.
