The arrival of Emergency in Calabria is nothing more than the direct transfer of a contract through civil protection in a false red zone: how much will this work cost the Calabrians?
Gino strada He will not be the new Health Commissioner in Calabria, but in the meantime all the media publicity that the sardines and grillini have done to the well-known doctor founder of Emergency has earned him a beautiful direct assignment of a millionaire contract: the NGO, in fact, reaches Calabria “for field hospitals, Covid Hotels and hospital triage“, Following an agreement with civil protection. The same Street last night explained that:“We will start working on a project tomorrow morning to start as soon as possible. We thank the Government for the appreciation it has shown for the work of EMERGENCIA and the many people who have trusted us, offering their immediate support ”. Civil Protection, with an official press release, informed the public that “The Department of Civil Protection has activated the voluntary association Emergency to support the management of the covid-19 emergency in the Calabria region. Taking into account the evolution of the epidemiological situation in progress, it was considered that the Emergency Association can contribute to responding to urgent needs of social and health assistance to the population, such as the management of field hospitals or support within the ” Covid Hotels “. , as well as at hospital triage points“.
Meanwhile, however, in the Praetorian Record of the same Civil protection There is no document that makes reference to this collaboration: we do not know exactly what Emergency will do in Calabria and, above all, we do not know how many million euros it will cost us. The truth is that Emergency “is an association created to offer free medical-surgical treatment to victims of wars, landmines and poverty“, As stated on the official website of the NGO. But in Calabria there are no victims of war or antipersonnel mines, while poverty terribly exacerbates this government with its bad decisions that since March have always penalized this Region, initially armored for two months in spring without any health emergency, and now declared “Red zone“Incomprehensibly compared to the ranking of other Regions”yellow“With much more serious epidemiological and hospital parameters. That Calabria is not”Red zone“Many have explained it to the virologist Francesco Broccolo to the cardiologist Enzo Amodeo until prof. Franco romeo, but the Government insists and in all probability the color will not change at least until the end of the month, with all the dramatic economic and social consequences on the already disastrous Calabrian fabric.
But now we have Emergency what are you going to do “field hospitals, Covid Hotels and hospital triage“. The association of Gino strada, abandoned in 2018 by her daughter Cecilia Unlike the policies adopted by a community that was born as a volunteer but ended up taking money from governments and multinationals, it operates in Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine, Rwanda, Sudan and other underprivileged third world countries where it builds state-of-the-art hospitals, trains local personnel, transmitting the knowledge necessary for emancipation, helping the weakest sectors of the population and planting the seeds of peace and brotherhood. All things beautiful. But Cosenza is not Kabul, Reggio Calabria is not Baghdad, Catanzaro has nothing to do with Kigali me Crotone is nothing like Khartoum. Calabria already has hospitals. Doctors and nurses with a know-how of great excellence. It would be enough to open the first and take the second.
Calabria does not need emergency tents just as those of the army that the acting president Spirlì authorized in Cosenza, Locri, Vibo Valentia and Crotone are not needed. On the authorized vocabulary of the Italian language De Mauro, we read that the field hospital is a “Field health center intended for emergency shelter and first aid for military personnel involved in wars or civilians involved in natural disasters, catastrophes, etc.“. Between the NGOs and the army, they are transforming Calabria into a war zone giving a devastating message both to the Calabrianswho will lose even more confidence in their health system, which is actually endowed with great excellence, and therefore will go to heal many times without reason, aggravating the regional deficit) that for foreigners who are not likely to decide to visit a region at war as tourists, the exact opposite of forward-thinking policy that Jole Santelli had adopted, capable in a few months of attracting the largest number of summer tourists in the history of the Region thanks to a positive reputation of Calabria Announced daily in all the media, even with sensational actions such as the famous local ordinance with outdoor tables open at the end of April in full national closure.
Calabria’s hospital system does not need an Emergency or the army. We have many hospitals, unfortunately many closed or weakened, who still have beds and facilities available to the population. And we have endless rankings of doctors and nurses who have been waiting for a call back home for years, while they are forced to make a career away from home, dedicating their care to other national or regional communities. There are dozens of hospitals that can be used right away, just think Reggio Calabria Scallop onion, Palmi, Taurianova, Melito di Porto Salvo. But throughout the Region there are even 18 hospitals closed in recent years: it would be enough to reopen them. Not all, not even a few. It would be enough to hire doctors and nurses and give them the keys to the prefabricated structures. There are also dedicated intensive care centers with all the necessary equipment – why not start from there? Among other things, many of these facilities could be used properly even after the pandemic, using this emergency as an opportunity to redesign Calabria’s territorial health care network.
But no: too easy, too convenient. They have to spend millions and they want to Afghanize this land. They decided Emergency foraging on Calabrian skin, with who knows what costs to the community (these are the taxes that every citizen pays to the state) and without not good compared to an area that already has hospitals, he already has doctors, already have nurses.
The joke is that most of the time these hospitals have been closed and hiring has been blocked precisely because the central State reproached local politics for not having complied perfectly with the guarantee formulas on the transparency of bids, awards and contests. Paradox of paradoxes, now the central state is making a direct assignment to an NGO that will bring materials, doctors and nurses from abroad, without any advertisement and without bidding, burn millions of euros for a few months without going through the territory completely and leave, when the emergency ends, nothing but crumbs.
Or probably not even those.
Because everything is allowed in Calabria.
Covid-19, prof. Franco Romeo: “Calabria is not in the red zone, it has the lowest mortality in Italy and 3 large hospitals that have remained without criticality”
Cardiologist Enzo Amodeo: “here in Calabria there is no red zone, I have an empty hospital. And we don’t need Gino Strada “