How long will smart work last?


How long will smart work last? Many employees and non-employees ask this, given that the coronavirus emergency has changed (and continues to change) our work habits, including interpersonal relationships with colleagues.

For many companies, smart work will last forever for others, however, it will return to full capacity in the office as soon as the risk of infecting and being infected reaches a minimum.

While it is difficult to set a certain date for the end of agile work, we can make predictions based on the statements of the Ministry of Health on public employment: smart work will be with us until December 31, 2020, obviously in the sectors that make it possible.

This does not mean that from January 1, 2021, everything will be as before: the return to normality requires a gradual process, and many of the now mandatory security measures will continue to be “Highly recommended”, especially attention to hygiene and sanitation of crowded environments.

For some, however, smart work may never end: many companies have noticed the considerable savings of agile work and have decided to abandon the fixed costs of factories, offices, invoices, etc., implementing meetings and face-to-face meetings on a regular basis. monthly or weekly.

How long will smart working last: the Government’s indications

Those who thought that the coronavirus emergency would pass in a few months were unfortunately wrong. Given that the epidemiological curve is not at all reassuring (especially in Spain and France, our neighbors) for a long time we will still have to deal with anti-coronavirus prevention and security measures, including Work from home. Yes, because among the advantages of smart work is that of limiting the number of travelers and overcrowding in offices, occasions that can lead to infections.

It should also be added that in many cases working from home is revealed just as efficient as in the office (in fact it has been shown that it works more) and allows the employee to reconcile work commitments with family and social life.

For this reason, the Government has expanded agile work for public employees: from July 31 to December 31, 2020; at least 60% of public employees should be able to take advantage of agile work with a mixed formula, that is, part of the week at home and part of the week at the office.

And in the private sector, how long will smart work last?

As for individuals, much is left to the discretion of individual companies. Each industry has its own organizational needs, so it would be impossible to impose an end date from above. From the Ministry remains the invitation to promote agile work as much as possible, where and when it is functional to the productive activity.

Until the end of the state of emergency (October 15, 2020), companies will be able to take advantage of the simplified procedure for requesting agile work for your employees. For the future, there are still no indications, but it seems logical that individuals are invited to follow what is established for the public sector, thus encouraging work from home. at least until the end of 2020.

What will happen next?

Undoubtedly, the coronavirus has had an impact on our lives that we will not easily forget and its “aftermath” will last a long time, according to some until 2022. It is not ruled out that many companies want to impose smart work as a general rule, perhaps alternating days instead and days at home. Others have even said goodbye to the offices and will continue to work from home forever.

In the public sector, we will return to normal but gradually and carefully, also because the epidemic has opened our eyes to how easy it is to contract diseases and infections in closed and crowded spaces, and this is not only true for the coronavirus.

This will force the legislator to intervene in the regulation of agile work (rather scarce), to give greater guarantees and protections to employees and employers, regulate leave, overtime and many other aspects.
