There are three fundamental documents that allow us to shed light on the articulation of the schedule and the frequency of the lessons in times of Pandemic. In chronological order: the ministerial guidelines for integrated digital education, the DDI school plan that each school must prepare in accordance with the first, and the complementary national collective agreement on the methods and criteria based on which to provide labor services. At a distance.
Ministerial guidelines and school plan for integrated digital education
In August this year, the Ministry of Education adopted the Guidelines on Integrated Digital Didactics for the 2020/2021 school year. It constituted the reference framework for the elaboration of school plans for digital education integrated by school institutions. The methods of implementation and organization of the DDI are described in these documents. Each school prepares a school plan for the DDI at the proposal of the Director, in line with the regulations, by resolution of the Faculty and approval of the School Council.
Among the provisions of the DDI Plan are the criteria for organizing the schedule and frequency of lessons
Within the school plan for integrated digital learning, each school rejects:
- Organization of Integrated Digital Education: needs analysis, objectives to be pursued, tools to use, hours and frequency of lessons.
- Verification methodologies and tools
- Classification
- Training improvement activities for BES students
- Rules to follow in terms of privacy, safety and school-family relations
- Meetings of Collegiate Bodies and Assemblies
- Training of teaching staff and technical auxiliary staff
Guidelines for Integrated Digital Teaching: Here is the minimum lesson time that will be guaranteed in the case of exclusive DAD
The guidelines of the Ministry of Education, dated August 7, 2020, dedicate a large paragraph to the lesson schedule. The importance of offering DDI students during the school day is highlighted combination adequate activity in synchronous and asynchronous mode, Allow to optimize the didactic offer with learning rhythms, taking care to provide enough breaks.
It is highlighted how school institutions, within their autonomy and flexibility, can divide classes into two or more groups, depending on the local epidemiological situation, allowing a simultaneous development – or in a complementary way to each other – of face-to-face and distance teaching . All of this, through the realization of a temporary rotation on alternate days or weeks, based on the criteria approved by the Faculty, referring to which the class councils identify the components of the different groups of students.
In the event that Digital Ditattica becomes the only tool to carry out the school service, in new situations of confinement, weekly hourly minimum lessons will be provided:
- Kindergarten: no minimum weekly hours specified: the most important aspect is to keep in touch with children and families. There are several forms of contact: from video call, to message through the section representative or even videoconference, to maintain the relationship with teachers and other colleagues. Taking into account the age of the students, it is preferable to propose short experiences, short films or audio files.
- First cycle school: ensure at least fifteen hours per week in a didactic way
synchronized with the whole class group – ten hours for the first grades of primary school -, also organized in a flexible way, in which to build disciplinary and interdisciplinary trajectories, with the possibility of carrying out more activities in a small group, as well as proposals in asynchronous mode according to the methodologies that are considered most appropriate. - Second grade secondary: ensure at least twenty hours a week of didactics in
Synchronous mode with the whole group of the class, with the possibility of carrying out more activities in a small group as well as proposals in asynchronous mode according to the methods considered most appropriate. - CPIA: for first level courses, first didactic period, at least nine hours to the teaching week in a synchronized mode with the entire learning group; for first level courses, second school period, make sure at least twelve hours to the teaching week in a synchronized mode with the entire learning group; for the literacy and learning courses of the Italian language secure at least eight hours per week of teaching in synchronous mode with each learning group; for second level courses, make sure at least four hours per teaching day in synchronous mode with the entire learning group.
Total teaching hours – Possibility of breaks within the DAD schedule – DDI supplementary contract and subsequent operational notes
As reported in article 2 of the complementary national collective agreement on DDI, each teacher, in agreement with the Director, based on the criteria established by the College in the PSDDI, completes his / her number of weekly hours – without prejudice to the weekly schedule of teachers established by the CCNL – make up the hours of video classes not taken, compared to the normal hours in attendance, with the preparation of educational activities in asynchronous mode in favor of the same classes.
The teacher has the right to introduce, as far as possible in the didactic activity carried out in the presence, the
appropriate pause times during the lesson in DDI, also in terms of improving the attention span of students. This possibility is also provided if time units of less than 60 minutes have been adopted. [note operative M.I. 09-11-2020].
The director sets the schedule in DAD
Without prejudice to the weekly working hours of teachers established by the CCNL, the Director, based on the criteria identified by the teachers in the integrated digital teaching school plan, prepares the schedule of educational and didactic activities with the time slot that each teacher dedicates to integrated digital teaching, taking care to ensure adequate weekly space for all disciplines, whether the DDI is chosen as a complementary method to face-to-face teaching, or constitutes the exclusive tool derived from new relevant epidemiological conditions.
The management of the school, in compliance with the resolutions of the collegiate bodies within the DDI Plan,
However, it adopts all the organizational provisions aimed at creating the best conditions for implementation.
of the regulatory provisions for the protection of the safety and health of the community, as well as for the provision of teaching in DDI, also authorizing the non-face-to-face activity, and ensuring that the execution of the work is provided in any case. The general criteria for the realization of DDI activities by teachers, inside or outside the school, are provided to the RSU.
Ultimately, how long is the lesson in DAD, synchronous mode?
The legislation does not precisely explain the hours to be performed daily, nor a possible reduction in the hourly unit. In line with the regulatory provisions that speak of minimum weekly hours to be guaranteed in the DDI, everything is delegated to the single school, which, in the context of the organizational-didactic autonomy from which it benefits, establishes the articulation of the weekly schedule. in 5 or 6 days including Saturday and the hourly rate of the didactic unit; In most cases:
- 50 or 45 minutes; This to reduce exposure to the display screen; with intervals between one hourly unit and the next, which allow the students to rest, being respected even in the case of several consecutive hourly units of the same discipline;
- 60 minutes, with a 15 minute break for every 120 lessons.
Below: some examples of weekly hours in DAD. Notice how the total number of hours is displayed with the activities divided into synchronous (minimum guaranteed) and asynchronous (useful for students and at the same time necessary to complete teacher hours).
Second Grade DAD Weekly Schedule
High School First Grade DAD Weekly Schedule
Ministerial Guidelines for Integrated Digital Teaching
National Supplementary Collective Agreement for Distance Education
Integrated Digital Education Contract. Operational Notes.