The theft of a smartphone at the origin of the maxi brawl on Saturday 5 December on the Pincio terrace in Rome. The Rome Prosecutor’s Office thus embraced the first thesis of the carabinieri, the one drawn up immediately after the events that had identified the origin of the disagreement in a dispute in the Quadraro, which later became a maxi brawl with retreat and rebound in the different networks social.
The alleged crimes of the four minors investigated range from aggravated personal injury to beatings. The theft of the mobile phone that took place on Saturday, November 21, also had a preamble in a Cinecittà shopping center when the victim summoned the alleged perpetrators of the robbery for a confrontation.
The background and the first fight in the Quadraro
The argument, in a few minutes, turns into a fight with one of the parents of the robbery victim hit with a helmet on the cheekbone, while trying to get in the way to calm his spirits. A beating also resulted in a kick to the face, which caused injuries that could heal in 30 days, with a fractured nasal septum and orbital swelling. A woman was also injured, another relative of the victim: she will have it for seven days, after having reported it. “a concussion head injury, trauma to the right shoulder and lumbar leg“writes PM Maria Rerna.
The victim This, however, is only the background. Anger increases on social media. Rumors are circulating among adolescents between the ages of 13 and 16 in Rome. The messages on Instagram, Telegram and TikTok fuel the flame of hatred and two weeks later, here is the revenge.
Revenge on the Pincio
In the Pincio on December 5 a maxi fight is staged with a lot of crowds. The pretext is that of a clarification. Images taken with mobile phones and relaunched on social networks count for more. The victim of the robbery in the Quadraro is again attacked with kicks and punches to the hips. The boy will end up with a broken nose.
A friend of the boy who was a victim before the robbery and then the beating was also the worst: he too, however, was caught “slapping his face and causing a bruise on his lip and causing him to lose his glasses“writes the pm.
This is how you get to Flaminio station: here a boy in a red suit takes the worst. In total, 4 minors ended up in the suspect register.
A weapon was also seized
During these days of investigation, in the houses of the three suspects, the carabinieri of the Compagnia Roma Centro seized the cell phones and found the same clothes that the children were wearing at the time of the fights. The suits have taken over. Not only because the soldiers of the Arma, on December 8, seized a gun found in the home of one of the investigated boys.
The link between the social tam tam via, which has called some 400 adolescents to the Pincio, and the theft of a mobile phone remains to be established.