How and when to get a flu shot. Appeal of Apss: “Vaccination is important, this year even more”


TRENTO. “Getting vaccinated is important, this year even more”, This in synthesis is the message that the Province and the Health Authority want to transmit to the population through the influenza vaccination campaign which will start in early October. In view of winter It is important Lighten the work of health professionals in differentiated diagnosis as much as possible. In other words, flu vaccination increases the chances of recognizing coronavirus cases early. Influenza and Covid-19 have very similar symptoms, those who are vaccinated avoid getting sick with the flu and simplify the diagnosis of coronavirus disease.

According to Apss plans flu vaccines will be carried out in the vaccination services clinics and conducted by APSS or from your doctor or family pediatrician. The goal is be ready by the end of november seen and considered that influenza epidemics usually occur between late December and early February.

The vaccination will be free for people who are at increased risk of complications and is recommended for people of all ages to simplify the diagnosis and management of suspected cases. “Vaccination – explains Apss – is the simplest and most effective flu prevention tool, capable of defending the organism from a virus that, year after year, can change its characteristics. The vaccine is safe well tolerated and rarely causes serious side effects. Also, since the vaccine does not contain live viruses, it cannot cause disease either. it takes effect about two weeks after administration. ”

The categories that can contact the health service for a free vaccination are: People over 60 years; children from six months to six years; pregnant and postpartum women; primary interest public service employees (such as health workers, firefighters and law enforcement agencies, socio-educational services personnel, children and schools, public transportation personnel, food distribution and retail personnel); Ccategories at risk (with heart and respiratory diseases, kidney failure, diabetes, tumors, immunosuppression, etc.); children and adolescents at risk of Reye’s syndrome; relatives and contacts of high-risk people; blood donors; personnel who work in contact with animals.

To facilitate access to vaccination, avoiding the formation of agglomerations, an appointment must be made. Children from 6 months to 6 years will be cared for by the pediatrician of free choicewhile general practitioners will give priority to people over 65 years. Children, belonging to the categories at risk of pathology, will receive a letter from APSS with the appointment for vaccination. People who fall into risk categories, for whom the flu could be a serious health problem, they can get vaccinated at any time during flu season.

For adults at risk and other categories is provided Book online and people will get vaccinated in clinics and self-service services. The reservation is made via the web accessing the Cup online from the Apss website (following the route: reservation without prescription> flu vaccination> select place and time). In the case of drive throughs people will drive their car to the chosen location and the vaccination will be done directly sitting in the car. Recommended appear with a mask, a short-sleeved shirt and carry your health card. There are three places with vaccination routes: Trento (Square of the sports hall Trento sud); Pergine (Parking of the Villa Rosa hospital) e Rovereto (Headquarters to be defined). In addition, the vaccinations will be carried out in: Mezzolombardo, Arco, San Giovanni di Fassa (Sèn Jan), Taio, Cavalese, Cembra, Lavis, Malè, Borgo Valsugana, Tione.
