“It’s useless to turn it around,” says infectious disease specialist Massimo Galli from the Sacco hospital in Milan: “With these numbers we must face and solve once and for all the problem of where to put the discharged ones”. They ended up at the end of the list, the emergency returns them to the beginning: Hotel Covidwho saw them? Since March they had been identified as a solution to isolate the positive asymptomatic ei Discharged who do not need further treatment in other places than the hospital and their home, to prevent the infection from spreading within the walls of the house, infecting their family members, or congested departments, to the detriment of the most serious cases. But this is exactly what is happening today, because between the two curves of the pandemic very little has been done on this front and inertia is now taking the toll: pressure from less severe patients in emergency rooms and wards. hospitals is such that the grave no longer find a place, those who were not – fatally – they become.
In April I Hotel Covid they seemed to sprout like mushrooms. The “Cura Italia” had instructed Civil Protection and the prefects to find the availabilities in each region. Even requisitioning them if necessary. In a few weeks, on paper, the ability to 43 thousand beds that were too many, because the really busy were then only 4 thousand thousand. Then came summer and decree law 34 which in July gave the regions the possibility of stipulating leases in convention Until december 31. In the middle of the two curves, however, the same thing happens inertia found on other fronts. So when the second wave arrived, along with tracking, territorial medicine, and the new intensive care posts, the ring ofhospitality of the positives, while the number of asymptomatic or “paucisymptomatic” infected in any case has literally skyrocketed compared to April, precisely because the virus has begun to run between domestic walls.
Even in the “red zones” you can count on affiliated structures fingers of one hand. Entire provinces do not have them, especially in the South. Only now, throughout Italy, has the race against time begun to recruit hotels where people have slept for a long time. The situation is critical in Lombardy, where the Region tries to agree a dozen structures below 120 euros per day, perhaps the highest figure of the agreements in progress. But things are no better at Campania, Sicily, Sardinia. The (few) open tenders started late, many only in the last few days. Many are left behind or find themselves with a poor membership due to the obvious unavailability of hoteliers.
From Bolzano to Palermo, asymptomatic or “paucisymptomatic” positives only have to stay at home, armored by confinement and unable to protect their relatives from intrafamilial infections or blows in the hospital, seeking hospitalization. It is no coincidence that the Minister of Autonomy Francesco Boccia A few days ago he returned to the topic, proposing the strengthening of the ‘Covid Hotel’ network. by Agostino Miozzo, coordinator of the Scientific Technical Committee (CTS), the problem is always the same: “The different strategies of the Regions in central nodes such as covid hotels and drive-ins show that centralized management is needed”. And indeed, if you take the 4 pandemic scenarios indicated by CTS experts, there is the item “hotel activation for case isolation”, but it is always accompanied by letters L and R, which means “local level” and “regional level”. That this is largely the fault of the regions is also confirmed by the fact that they have received more 5 trillion for the emergency, but most of those funds have yet to be spent.
Even at the central level, however, the initiative was lacking. There is no trace, for example, of a “national plan” of covid-hotels that estimate the needs of each region, nor of a provision that forces everyone to respond in an adequate and timely manner. The July decree gives governors the mandate to stipulate conventions, but does not prescribe obligations, just says “can“On closer inspection, the availability of facilities for positive aspects other than home is not among the 21 parameters for the red areas identified in April and also used for the last strait. Finally, there is no news of the use of the many empty properties of the State Property. For this reason, the attribution of blame today is not an easy exercise: once again we will witness the passing the ball?
The general underestimation of the “second wave” then settled perfectly with the (legitimate) interests of hoteliers. For months, trade associations have been calling for compensation and questioning the closure hypothesis. its subscribers, also for this reason, they generally preferred to exploit the internal tourism during the summer pax to save the activity. Many have preferred to have their hands free, even in view of the fall and winter tourist season. Others have closed to avoid it Lazaretto stigma. The rates offered by the local health authorities are not particularly attractive. Let’s take the south east Ausl convention Tuscany, which includes the provinces of Arezzo, Grosseto and Siena (including Chianti): for a room they are 30.90 euros plus VAT, but the structure must guarantee the sanitation of the spaces, differentiated paths for dirty and clean, separate access for health workers and service personnel. In Veneto we are around 50 euros a night. No region can rightly be called “virtuous,” but some have done better than others. The numbers say it. Are here.
Start the Lombardy, the reddestine area of Italy. TO Milan It did not reopen the Michelangelo, which was a first-emergency care model with 511 infected patients. The Municipality made a public announcement and on November 1 it opened its doors to the symptomatic Hotel Astoria with 70 seats. For this reason, the hotels are flanked by the Linate hub managed by the Red Cross, which welcomes quarantined positives and the RSA neighborhood Hadrian which will house in 70 rooms and 17 apartments those who have to remain isolated waiting to become negative for the virus. In fact, at this time the most infected metropolis in Italy can count on 160 seats. Not in vain the search has been extended to Lodi Vecchio, where another 25 places are negotiated. TO Bergamo, epicenter of the first wave, there is no covid hotel and the only structure we know of is still the Hotel “Antico Borgo La Muratella”, in Cologno al Serio: 64 beds compared to 398 new infections in the province.
Better the situation in the Lazio, where they count 1,129 places bed in a covid-hotel; but half is already full and there are 518 beds left compared to two thousand new positives a day. In Rome, however, there is a convergence between the Raggi administration and the hoteliers. The mayor proposed last week to organize in a structured way the network of hotels that will be transformed into Covid Hotels to welcome asymptomatic positives who cannot stay at home. Leverage would be precisely the difficulty they face due to the blockade that has slowed tourism. The proposal was formalized in a letter signed by Raggi and the president of Federalberghi Bernabò Bocca sent to Conte and Zingaretti.
The search for Covid Hotels has also been restarted in Piedmont where an agreement has just been signed with the hoteliers that has allowed the launch of two calls, one for symptoms that are not serious to be treated and another for patients who expect to be negative. Already 1000 places available: 815 in the province of Turin, 34 in the Alessandria area, 20 in the Asti area, 20 in the Cuneo area, 65 in the Novara area, 31 in the VCO and 16 in the Vercelli area.
At Market The hotel system that had already moved into force to manage the post-earthquake has awakened. A framework agreement between the Region and the associations has made it possible to guarantee 627 rooms in 13 structures divided as follows in the regional area: 3 structures and 155 rooms in the province of Ancona, 2 structures and 127 rooms in the province of Macerata, 3 structures and 111 rooms in the province of Fermo, 3 structures and 98 rooms in the province of Ascoli Piceno, 2 structures and 136 rooms in the province of Pesaro-Urbino.
L ‘Umbria who for months has done little or nothing is running for cover. It only moved on October 28, when the regional council approved a framework agreement to be stipulated with hoteliers to find the structures where to isolate the positives. the November 2 has collected the availability of 22 accommodation establishments, in addition to the Melody Hotel in Route (52 rooms) active since spring and ready to receive the first patients and in Villa Muzi a Castello town with 23 rooms.
The Tuscany He had immediately mobilized in front of the hotel, but now he has to start over. To date, there are 960 places available, two thirds of which are occupied. The goal is to reach 1,500 beds. On October 28, ASL Toscana SudEst launched a “no-deadline” call for hiring available hoteliers, recognizing a rate that ranges between 30 and 39 euros plus VAT.
The board of Giovanni toti Instead of hotels, it has preferential agreements with clinics. A decision that the opposition has described as “inspired by the bankruptcy of the Lombard system.” After all, Toti had ventured on the cruise-turned-floating hotel for the quarantined positives. From what is known, this time it will remain moored in the port of the port of Genoa.
It is especially in the South where the positive does not find a hotel. In Sicily Facilities are being sought to locate those discharged from hospitals. In the province of Catania, several structures and also RSA have been identified for a total of 100 places. But new infections run at a rate of 400 a day. There Campania it is a nightmare not only for infections. The governor Vincenzo De Luca A month ago he announced a campaign to hire resorts and thus empty the burden of non-serious patients that nevertheless weigh on hospitals. Apart from the Hospital del Mar With 200 rooms, in the province of Naples there is not much else. TO Ischia two offers were deserted. Everything Sardinia it can only have two operating hotels. But the curve certifies 340 new positives per day. The last notice published by the Sardinian Ats expired on October 20. A dozen structures have appeared, none at the moment signed the commitment, compared to a recognized rate of 66 euros per night. The previous announcement had been deserted.