Hospitals, in Cardarelli there is a maxi-emergency. 5 Covid patients in San Timoteo


The situation linked to the San Timoteo de Termoli hospital continues to be difficult. This morning, November 13, the emergency room is practically saturated, with 5 patients who cannot be treated at home. Everyone has Covid and they must be transferred, according to the emergency health plan, to Cardarelli in Campobasso where, however, the beds are finished.

Among them also one nurse who works in San Timoteo and who had been infected in contact with a patient some time ago. The operator was at home with a positive swab, but yesterday she returned to the emergency room due to her worsening condition and the doctors held her precisely because she needed hospital treatment.

He is not the only one, but the Covid hospital in Campobasso is full, and with 55 admissions – well above the initially foreseen maximum threshold, equal to the so-called level 4 – we enter a defined phase of Maxemergence. Also for this the other day all the hospitals in Molise were pre-alerted by a communication signed by Asrem’s senior management, in which the integration of the different components dedicated to emergency assistance was opened, recalling the business plan, the supplementary plan and the organizational plan. linked to beds and operational routes for management.

Cardarelli Campobasso First Aid Hospital

The pre-alarm level has been activated, The situation is critical. And this is due to the fact that the emergency medical staff, coordinated by Dr. Nicola Rocchia, is doing a true miracle, demonstrating their excellence by managing to keep separate entry and visit routes for patients, better coping with a situation. Unprecedented situation. And net too the absence of irregularities certified by the inspection of the Nas carabinieri.

Nas al San Timoteo, no contact between Covid patients and other hospitalized. And the Municipality compares the infections of the other localities

The real problem, along with the beds, is that doctor shortage. It applies to all hospitals, even more so to Cardarelli di Cardarelli, which is about to become a hospital dedicated exclusively to Covid patients, according to rumors that run at this time.

Meanwhile, a Investigative service defined as “explosive” on the health of Molise in the broadcast “Title V” which will air on Rai 3 at 9:15 p.m.
