Hope in the new Dpcm: Coronavirus in Italy, let’s not get our hopes up


«Italy is better right now“Compared to many other European countries,” together with Germany is the one that is holding up the second wave better but we should not be under any illusions. “In fact, there is a phase of “objective worsening.” For 9 weeks there has been a trend of increasing numbers.It would be deeply wrong to imagine yourself outside of it.». Thus, in the Chamber Room, the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, during the communications ofnew Dpcm that will contain the extension of the state of emergency until January 31, 2021. “Italy – he added – has a small advantage over other European countries, but this advantage cannot be annulled. At this time, follow the line of prudence that has guided us so far. “In February, March and April the virus – the minister recalls – had affected a limited part of Italy, Lombardy and some areas of the north. Today there is no longer a dynamic of territoriality. No region can feel out of risk. Meanwhile, the Chamber of the Chamber failed for the second time in a row in the required quorum to vote on resolutions related to the new Prime Minister’s Decree on the Covid state of emergency. Eight deputies were absent for the validity of the vote. Therefore, the vote on the resolutions is postponed until Wednesday’s session.

The tendency to get worse

The Prime Minister’s assessment of the extension of the state of emergency “corresponds to the situation in which the country finds itself,” he clarified. “It is clear to everyone that the international and national situation indicates a phase change compared to the previous months; In the world the infected exceed 35 million with more than 1 million deaths, and the ECDC places Italy in 45th place ”, he stressed, taking stock of the pandemic. In two months there has been “an important jump in cases: now there are 3,487 hospitalized and we have 323 people in intensive care. These numbers are now sustainable for our NHS. In addition, in the first phase, the average age of the cases was 70 years, now it is 41 years. Also in this case the trend does not give us peace of mind because in August the average age was 31 years.

The three rules to follow

Speranza then returned to take stock of three basic rules for the management of the emergency on which the new Dpcm is built: “An extra effort is needed, so let’s evaluate the extension of the obligation to wear the mask also outdoors, permanently and in all situations, even with friends ”, he emphasized. Regarding the last two rules “learned” in recent months, he reiterated the importance of the “obligation of distancing, that is why the Government is working on tools to avoid gatherings” and “hygiene.”

“Low impact on schools”

I believe – he concluded – that it is “still early” for a definitive judgment on the country’s ability to maintain a low level of contagion in schools, but “the first numbers indicate low impact and good holding capacity. There are cases and there will be them in the coming weeks but the protocols that we have identified at this time are solid and if they are strictly respected they can allow us to manage the school game “, recalling the numbers of infections in schools disclosed Monday night by the colleague Lucia Azzolina. . “We are strengthening our testing capacity and have passed 120,000 tests per day. My hope is that we can get to the use of saliva tests as soon as possible, especially with regard to the little ones. The next months “will not be easy, of coexistence” with the virus “, but while waiting for treatments and vaccines we must fully recover the spirit of community, of national unity. The unity of March and April, when the country came closer.”

Conte: “Battle not won, maximum attention is needed”

“The battle is not won, the threshold of attention must remain at the maximum even in the coming weeks and months”, stressed Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte in the morning during his speech at Confcooperative. The country – he clarified – “has managed to overcome the most difficult phase” and has “become throughout the world a symbol of strong and solid resistance to Covid-19”. «I take this opportunity to thank all the men and women of the cooperatives for their commitment to the pandemic. The country is truly grateful to it and for this commitment it is also able to face this complex health emergency, and until now it has become a symbol of resistance to Covid throughout the world ”.

October 6, 2020 (change October 6, 2020 | 14:55)

