(ANSA) – ROME, SEPTEMBER 21 – The Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, has created a commission for the reform of health and social and health care for the elderly population through a specific decree. It will be presided over by Bishop Vincenzo Paglia, Grand Chancellor of the Pontifical Theological Institute for the Sciences of Marriage and the Family. Illustrated by the ministry, illustrious personalities from the scientific and social world are part of it. “The months of Covid -says Speranza- have highlighted the need for a profound rethinking of health and social care policies for the elderly population. The commission will help the institutions to investigate the phenomenon and propose the necessary reform hypotheses ”.
Bishop Paglia thanked Minister Speranza for the commission he entrusted to him and considers that “the Commission represents a valuable tool destined to facilitate the transition from residential care to an effective presence in the area through home care, support for families and telemedicine. .
The hope is that Italy, one of the oldest and oldest countries in the world, can show a new model of health and social assistance that helps older people to live at home, in their habitat, in the family and social fabric ” .