Homotransphobia law, the Chamber approves: protest of the center-right Corriere.it


The Chamber approved, in a secret ballot, the law to combat homotransphobia, misogyny and violence against people with disabilities. There were 265, 193, abstentions 1. The approval was received with a prolonged applause from the majority. The law now goes to the Senate. The text, which takes its name from the speakerAlessandro Zan (Pd), originally it contained prevention and contrast measures only for reasons related to sex, gender, sexual orientation and gender identity. During the review in the Assembly, the main protections were extended to disability, with the consent of the center-right.

The opposition protests in the Chamber

This is the first green light for him unified text that went through a long and convulsive process: exactly one year after being hired by the Justice Commission, with the start of the examination last January, the text reached the Chamber after having undergone several changes, the result of difficult mediation internal majority. The opposition strongly opposed the approval. For the center-right, it is a liberticidal law that introduces the crime of opinion in matters related to sex and gender. Forza Italia, FdI and Lega voted against, but 5 blue deputies, in disagreement with the FI group, voted for the blue deputies Giusi Bartolozzi, Renata Poverini, Stefania Prestigiacomo and colleagues Elio Vito and Matteo Perego. Edmondo Cirielli (Fdi) announced: When we win the elections it will be the first law we repeal. Protest of the minority benches at the time of the approval to the cry Libert, libert showing jaws.

Compact majority

The compact majority (Pd, M5s, Iv, Sel) strongly desired the approval of the proposal, underlining that it is a civil intervention, expected for many years and that it is inspired by the principles of equal social dignity enshrined in Article 3 of the Constitution to combat hate crimes. An important step comments the president of the Chamber, Roberto Fico (M5S). We are in the middle of the road that we follow with tenacity and courage, with the aim of making this country a little more civilized and inclusive, says the senator. Monica cirinn, rights manager for the Democratic Party.

Criminal offense of homophobia

The first two articles of the Zan law modify the so-called Mancino law (Urgent measures in matters of racial, ethnic and religious discrimination) and, therefore, article 604 bis of the penal code, adding among the crimes of propaganda and incitement to crime for grounds of racial, ethnic and religious discrimination, punishable by imprisonment, including acts of violence or incitement to violence and discrimination based on sex,about gender, about sexual orientation, gender identity or disabilityFaced with the accusations about the crime of opinion, advanced by the center-right, in article 3 (Pluralism of ideas and freedom of choice), the majority specified that the punishment will be dispersed when there is a concrete danger of carrying out discriminatory acts or violent and that non-instigating opinions are not affected, since they are directly descendants of article 21 of the Constitution. Article 4 establishes that the conditional suspension of the sentence may be subordinated, if the convicted person does not object, to the performance of an unpaid activity for the benefit of the community.

National Day

One of the rules most criticized by the opposition the establishment, on May 17, of the National Day against Homophobia, Lesbophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia, with ceremonies and initiatives also in schools of all levels, including primary schools. Brothers from Italy, Lega and Forza Italia called for the anti-discrimination school hour (renamed gender hour) to be provided only for secondary schools, fearing gender propaganda in the youngest.

Service centers and statistics

With the law come statistical surveys on gender discrimination that the Istat, after consulting the Observatory of security against discriminatory acts (Oscad), must carry out at least every three years. Creation of anti-discrimination centers support victims of homotransphobic violence, with the 4 million allocation to the Fund for Rights and Equal Opportunities Policies: throughout the national territory there will be assistance and protection centers (legal, health and psychological) against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity.

The definition

In the Zan text against homotransphobia and misogyny, approved by the Chamber, it is established on the premise that: by sex we understand biological or personal sex; gender means any outward manifestation of a person that conforms to or conflicts with social expectations associated with sex; sexual orientation means sexual or emotional attraction to people of the opposite sex, the same sex, or both sexes; Gender identity means the perceived and manifested identification of oneself in relation to gender, even if it does not correspond to sex, regardless of having completed a transition path.

Divided Associations

Reactions against the approval of the law by the associations. If Gabriele Piazzoni, Secretary General of Arcigay talk about one first victory that gives us hope on the final approval of the provision and a day of celebrations, but starting tomorrow we will have to look forward and resume the battle in the Senate, to reach the final conversion into law, the Gay Center more critical. Approved a law of series C, which hinders training in schools and supports discrimination against some protection. We demand equality. It must be changed in the Senate, says spokesman Fabrizio Marrazzo. This text -explains Marrazzo- confirms a differentiated treatment for lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT +) people in the face of other discrimination. In fact, in the first part, which refers to the criminal aspect, the reference to hate propaganda is totally absent, but it is present for racism.

November 4, 2020 (change November 4, 2020 | 14:49)

