The judgment of Giorgia Meloni in government. Interviewed by Republic, the leader of the Brothers of Italy does not send them to count the majority Giallorossi, knocking down the executive with the usual frankness that distinguishes him.
Talking about “crisis in favor of the camera “The president of FdI, a party that constantly grows in consensus, accused Conte and his entire group of little credibility and clearly expressed her desire to proceed with new elections. There is no opening, therefore, to last minute agreements. Melons remains constant and hopes that “These gentlemen are going home as soon as possible”. Precisely in this sense, he specified that he was not available to form a government with left-wing parties, such as Pd, Italia Viva or Movimento 5 Stelle, and then added:“Italy needs a vision, which today is dramatically deficient. From January until today, 108 billion have been spent on the crisis, another 38 destined to maneuver. Did this money produce significant results? Does anyone remember how it was spent? No. Ruinous in the attempt to please the parties and currents of the majority ”.
For Meloni it is surreal that in the middle of the pandemic the majority of the government is spending so much time discussing seats and seeking agreements, a behavior defined by “First Republic”. “Governments endured only because they have to occupy positions and power is not doing the good of the nation”, in fact sentenced the leader of FdI.
For the president of the Brothers of Italy, therefore, it is unthinkable to let this executive continue, and for the leader of the League, who in recent days has aired the hypothesis of “a center-right government with ‘little help'”, he answered: “Matteo knows that I did not agree with this reasoning because I believe that it is a mistake to prove a thesis, the one that cannot be voted on, that the left carries out for instrumental interests. But he also says so, after all, that elections are the priority to give the nation a government cohesive, with a clear vision, with a strong popular mandate and with five years of work ”. The alchemy of the palace, Meloni added, does not work. And even a center-right government, born in this legislature, would see the light with difficulty.
In addition, for the leader of FdI elections are still possible:“It is not true that you cannot vote. All democracies do it, they did it in the United States. Think if Trump had said: ‘You do not vote because there is Covid.’ The elections are not the Big Bang. We have also voted in Italy in six regions already in September. But then, what do we do? If, unfortunately, the emergency continues, will democracy remain hostage to the virus for the next few years? “