Ten practical rules to better heat your homes while saving money, helping the environment and avoiding penalties
Ten practical rules to better heat your homes by saving money, helping the environment and avoiding penalties
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As of today October 15, the possibility of turning on the heaters in more than half of the 8 thousand Italian municipalities, that is, those of the so-called E climate zone, which includes large cities such as Milan, Turin, Bologna, Venice, but also mountain areas throughout Italy where the climate is more rigid. To protect the environment and save on bills, Enea proposes 10 practical rules to heat your homes in the best possible way, avoiding waste and, in many cases, an unnecessary penalty. We list them as published in a note and published in the latest issue of ENEAinform @, the Italian and English weekly of the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development.
1) Maintain the plant
It is the number one rule in terms of safety, savings and attention to the environment. In fact, a system consumes and pollutes less when it is properly adjusted, clean and free of lime deposits. Those who do not perform maintenance on their system risk a fine starting from 500 euros (Dpr 74/2013).
2) Check the ambient temperature
Overheating of the house is bad for health and pockets: the legislation provides for a temperature of 20 degrees plus a tolerance of 2, but 19 degrees is more than enough to guarantee the necessary comfort. In addition, for each lower grade, you save 5 to 10 percent of fuel consumption.
3) Pay attention to the lighting hours.
It is useless to keep the heating system on day and night. In an efficient home, the heat accumulated by the structures when the system is in operation guarantees a sufficient degree of comfort even during the shutdown period. The maximum daily ignition time varies by law according to the 6 climatic zones in which Italy is divided: from a maximum of 14 hours a day for plants in zone E (north and mountainous areas) to 8 hours in zone B (zone bands coasts of southern Italy).
4) Install reflective panels between the wall and the radiator
It is a simple but very effective solution to reduce heat loss, especially in cases where the radiator is embedded in the wall, reducing its thickness and degree of insulation. Even a simple sheet of aluminum foil helps to reduce outward scattering.