“This summer, we will not be on the balcony and the beauty of Italy will not remain in quarantine. We can go to the sea, to the mountains, to enjoy our cities. And it would be good for Italians to spend their holidays in Italy, even if we do it differently, with rules and precautions. “Minister Dario Franceschini had anticipated this in a report to the House on May 7 and now the Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte he confirms it in an interview with Corriere della Sera: Italians will be able to go on vacation this summer. Tourism operators, already seriously affected by these months of confinement, are beginning to restart and complain about the absence of precise government directives on the security measures to be adopted, but an invitation to prudence arrives from the Prime Minister: ” We waitevolution of the epidemiological framework to provide accurate information on dates and times, “Conte said.
Reopens – Precisely because of the trend of the epidemic after the first reopens on May 4, the government will evaluate whether it should be granted Regions the main decision-making powers claimed for any differentiated reopening. “With the guidelines that will allow us to control the epidemiological curve, we can also pay for it geographical differentiations“But” this does not mean proceeding in random order and relying on rash initiatives, “Conte warns. Regarding the possible reopening of bars, restaurants and hairdressers, the May 18 instead of June 1, “we are collecting data from the latest monitoring and defining with experts clear safety rules for workers and clients. If at an epidemiological level the situation remains under control, we can agree on some progress with the Regions. The important thing is to proceed on the basis of precise control, because we would pay huge costs for recklessness. “We must avoid, Conte continues, “Very serious behavior” such as those seen in recent days at the Navigli in Milan, but also in other cities in Italy, which run the risk of “frustrating all efforts and will return to a blockade, even if limited, with even more serious damage to our economy”. But I am sure that the common sense of the Italians will continue to prevail. ” in school“Return must be managed uniformly across the country.”
EUROPEAN AID – In any case, those who await us “will be very difficult months. We will have one abrupt drop in GDP and the economic consequences will be very painful, “says Conte, who maintains the point regarding the economic resources deployed by Europe:” In the new credit line of the Month clear words came from the Eurogroup. Now we wait for the implementing regulations, then we will evaluate them in Parliament, “says the prime minister. However”Mes, Bei and Sure resources alone are insufficient. We are in constant dialogue with the European Commission to introduce a Recovery Fund of considerable size, “with resources” advanced through a bridge loan. “As for the appropriations allocated to support companies and delays in bank disbursements,” we expect a strong acceleration with the state guarantee. Banks must do their part. “
The majority – Come on Matteo Renzi, “Living Italy raises questions, sometimes, with particular vivacity. But I am convinced that we will start from this stronger and more cohesive confrontation, “says Conte, who under the hypothesis of a government of Mario Draghi He comments: “I don’t know how many times he will have felt pulled. Those who truly hold the esteem for him that he professes to have would do well not to spoil his name in the theater of daily political games. ” Speaking of the controversial amnesty, “regularize immigrants for a specific period Those who already work in our territory means unleashing the arms of the corporal and the slavers of our time, fighting illegal work, carrying out health checks and protecting their health and ours, especially in the phase of sanitary emergency, “says the Prime Minister.
Justice – Finally, on Saturday afternoon the Minister council approved on decree of the minister of justice bringing mafia bosses released from prison in recent days for health problems related to the coronavirus emergency to prison and Prime Minister Conte confirms his trust in security guard Bonafede. Also in the case of Di Matteo: “I am embittered by the inferences,” Conte says. We are talking about the minister who, with the provision on corruption, has closed the door of the institutions to criminal appetites. He will continue to do so, with his head held high ”, he concludes.
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