Rome, May 11, 2020 – “It is one of the expected measures of the Raise for phase 2 of the pandemic of coronavirus that the government should launch today after the last presentations to resolve the differences in the majority. Is he vacation voucher “for the payment of services offered nationally by tourist accommodation companies”, the incentive given to those who will spend a vacation in Italy. “It will help families – said the Minister of Cultural Heritage and Tourism this morning in an interview Dario Franceschini – And it will bring to the tourism sector more than 2 billion direct euros, because this costs the norm, in addition to the related activities it will create. “Help for families but also for operators in one sector, tourism, among the most penalized.” It will not be a quarantined vacation, “promises the government.
The vacation voucher is discussed in the draft decree on pages 298 and 299. Therefore, we see i details specifying that the final text could with new features and additional specifications: who can ask? When can it be used? How tall is it?
Dl Relaunch: the Pdf
1) Income limits
Franceschini illustrated the first condition to obtain it: “The measure that will help families and businesses is the holiday tax credit, a voucher to be spent in 2020 on hotels and accommodation for people with income Isee of 40 or 50 thousand euros, we are defining. “The draft decree speaks of an income of 35 thousand euros: obviously it is a point still to be defined.
2) From 150 to 500 euros per family.
Franceschini always specified: “They are 150 euros for a single person and a sum of up to 500 euros for couples with children.” Paragraph 2 of article 183 of the draft of the Dl Relaunch states: “The credit mentioned in paragraph 1 is usable, July 1 to December 31, 2020, by a single member per household to the extent of 500 euros for each household The credit measure is 300 euros for families consisting of two people and 150 euros for those made up of a single person. “Some additional specifications about which the precise image has not yet been defined have been excluded in the draft ion introductory report.
3) When is it usable?
Paragraph 2 of the article tells us: “From July 1 to December 31, 2020.
4) How is it used?
Paragraph 3: “The credit mentioned in paragraph 1 can be used to the extent of 90 percent in form of discount on the amount owed, anticipated by the suppliers in which the expense was incurred, and for the 10 percent in the form of a tax deduction on the tax return by the beneficiary. By order of the Director of the Tax Agency, after consulting the INPS, based on the data provided by the INPS, the households referred to in paragraph 2 will be identified, as well as the methods of reimbursement of the discount in the consideration due to service providers. pursuant to this paragraph. “
5) tourist entrepreneurs
than soda will they have? Paragraph 4 explains it: “The discount mentioned in paragraph 3 is refunded to Service provider in the form of a tax credit to be used exclusively in compensation, with the option of transferring it to its suppliers of goods and services or other private subjects, as well as to credit institutions or financial intermediaries. “
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