Historic center and h24 masks, the Region specifies: “The streets mentioned in the ordinance are excluded”


Genoa. Update at 3pm A frequently asked question posted on the Liguria region website clarifies that the streets mentioned in the ordinance are EXCLUDED from the ordinance itself, but only serve to delimit the area where the ordinance has value. Then, after a morning of contradictory information from official sources (press offices of the Region and the Municipality), the clarification arrives.

Here are the frequently asked questions

The additional measures to contain the Covid-19 virus established in ordinance no. 63/2020 that provide, among other things, the extension of the obligation to use respiratory protection also outdoors, from 00.00 to 24.00, also apply in case of transit through the routes indicated there (for example Via Balbi, Via Porta Soprana , Via Cairoli, etc.)?

ANSWER: The geographical scope of application of the measures established in ordinance no. 63/2020 refers exclusively to the “historic center” of the municipality of Genoa, defined on the northern and southern borders, respectively, by the streets indicated in the aforementioned ordinance: via Marinai d’Italia, via Fanti d’Italia, via Andrea Doria, via Balbi, Piazza della
Nunziata, via Paolo Emilio Bensa, Largo Zecca, via Cairoli south side, piazza della Meridiana, via Garibaldi south side, Piazza delle Fontane Marose, via XXV Aprile, piazza Giacomo Matteotti, via Porta Soprana, via del Colle, via Eugenio Ravasco, via Madre de Dios, customs barriers in the Port.
The reference to the Routes mentioned in the ordinance is in fact functional only to circumscribe and delimit the geographical area object of the new measures. The ordinance does not apply in the same way
