
More than one has some doubts about the real reason for the postponement of the meeting between Giuseppe Conte me Matteo renzi. “Now that Renzi can’t go to a meeting without him Teresa Bellanova, with all the respect that I have for you, It seems a bit too much to me, “he begins Myrta merlino during The air that pulls. To catch the ball Augusto Minzolini who, right in the room of La7, lets go to his depth: “We are in the academy of politics. Conte wanted to make this immediate verification because clearly protected by the Budget Law, a government crisis is impossible now, who assumes this responsibility? Nobody”.

But the signature of the Newspaper He also has an explanation of the move by the leader of Italia Viva. “The other,” he continues, “needs time to have his hands more free.” Hence the conclusion: “This verification begins now, but it will end between christmas and new year“, or even” even more. “Renzi has indeed given the prime minister an ultimatum: either he backs down to the Recovery Plan control room, or Italia Viva leaves the government. However, the words do not go hand in hand with the facts A few hours after the meeting-clash with the Prime Minister, the scrapper gave another fine.